Monday, November 05, 2007

November first reading

Honesty can be cultivated by transforming your inner language. For example, you might think: "I am no good" or "They are not good." Is this true? For some strange reason, people want to wallow in the idea of being either the best or the worst. What is true in this moment? How close can we get to the reality of our experiences?

My thought on this: I’ve never been a fan of pronouns and I know at times they are necessary “evil” like divorce and taxes.
I think we as people should live in the middle of road of life but we real have a hard time knowing what “true happiness is”
The other day I was looking at my back blog of March in the of 2005 and I was bitching about the price of gas being $2.09 and now I wish it was down to $2.09 and the majority of the time now I wish it was down in price because I’m bitching because it $3.14 a gallon.

I’ve always thought it was strange for people to both think their life had the worst cause scenario then anyone else and know one had problems as they do.

But on flip side of the coin
I’ve seen people Confession time…I tend to do this “Boy those people sure have problems and I sure have my fair share of problems
Will be thinking that some one else got the worst-case scenario in life.

Reality is hard place to understand because we may not have complete knowledge in every life stage that we are part of.
Things are changing and new information is being put on the life stage that we are performing on and we may never know what reality is.

Reality is Changing for us.
Keeping thing or life in middle is some time a real juggling act.
It is hard to look at life in the terms of we, they, and I.

this is from a part of teaching from a Buddha concept and this is my thoughts on this particular subject.


  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    i don't know about the teaching of buddha but i know God's.

    i have refrained from speaking negative because i know now that my tongue is like a two edged sword. what comes out of my mouth can either be a blessing to me or a curse. i used to say - oh, i can't do that, that's too hard for me, etc. no good, huh.

    i've also "bitched" about not the price of gas but the peso-dollar exchanged rate. before i was "bitching" because it was $1-P28. now it's $1-P44. it's gotten worst. haha!

    i was just thinking about my problems last night and glad i was reminded by my dear friend to stop my craziness because God already gave me His Word. and He who promised is faithful. hard sometimes.

    blessings to you, peppy! =)

  2. I'm way too competitive (but improving with age): and your words struck home. Pretty important thoughts. (gas here today: 3.09 for regular; i was stunned)


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