Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Head or Tails (Letter V)

For my Heads of Tails I’m going to post about “vows and my blog”. This week head and tales is The prompt for this week is "Vote" or any other word
that starts with the letter "V." and the word vows starts with the letter “V”

I haven’t made very many major vows in my life and if I real don’t agree on the complete ideal of something I won’t make a vow to it or real have no desire to keep it.
I was baptized in Catholic Church but never been confirm because I couldn't do it because I didn’t feel it was right to make vow in something I didn’t complete believe in.

But today I like to tell the blog world about some of the vows I made about my blog that I will and won’t do.

1. I vow not to use any one real name in my postings unless they have left this life as we know on earth.
2. Ivow to be complete honesty even if it means posting my faults and shortcomings.
3. I vow not to have a bunch of categories or labels in my blog. I only have a few tags on my side bar. Statement time…someone could put in me in a lot of categories and some friendly and some not so friendly
4. I vow not to promote any political candidates or religious institute on my side bar. It doesn’t mean from time to time I may blog about mater of spirituality or political. If also there is a true social cause I think or I feel it to better human kind I will add it to my side bar.
5. I vow not to promote prejudices here at peppylady all most prefect world.

6. I vow not to put this on my comments "moderation has been enabled. All comments most be approve by the blog author.
7. I vow not to use let anonymous people post at my blog

I don’t take vows lightly or careless either

To read more heads or tail please click here


  1. Great take on this meme. You are right, vows should not be taken lightly!

  2. How very interesting. I've never made rules for my blog, except that it be a place I can express all of the stuff that's in my head. I respect adherence to vows. My life would be much different if I didn't! :)
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. Hello my friend:-) I'm back from my trip and trying to now catch up with everyone...I feel like I've been gone a month instead of just a few days! lol I think that's a great list of vows you've made for your blog. xox

  4. Thanks for sharing these personal vows. Good luck with all of them and hope they will help make blogging more rewarding for you.

    Thanks for visiting.

  5. Thanks for sharing those. I haven't heard of heads or tails so I will check it out.

  6. I was brought up that vows were serious business. I don't take them lightly either. I like the twist you've put on this post. I enjoyed my visit, as always.


  7. Your vows will increase your credibility and the trust people have in you. This is a neat post!


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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