Sunday, October 21, 2007

Short and Sweet

I been looking around the blog world for Nablopomo and I found it and became a member. If I didn’t do the photo hunt and visit the> Munshi Family blog I’ve may found at a later date what relief.
I’ll explain later on how Nablopomo works

I’ve been looking for a resent for one of my asthma meds I just bought and I know if I go and buy one it will show up in plain sight.
Now guess what just happened I turn my head and looked at our wood stove and there it sits.

I don’t feel well today I’m going to lay down for a while upset tummy. Please go over for Peppy for best Fall Picture


  1. I do that all the time; hunt and hunt for something, and there it is in plain sight!

  2. I hope you are feeling better and that you had a nice nap. :-)

  3. try some peppermint tea for the tummy!!! hope you are feeling better... we tend to hold our grief & hurts in our tummy...

  4. Hi! Thanks for popping by my blog. Yes, what a nice little contest by Karen. Even if I don't win, at least I'll have met some new blog buddies. Hope you'll pop by my blog again someday!

  5. I joined NaBloPoMo this year, too! Are you ready? Its only a week away!


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...