Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Dirty Car

Here when you look out your window and at the mountains one can see snow so I’ve been slowly getting my car organize for winter.
I vacuumed it out and wash it at car wash and even came home and re rinse it.

So here some before pictures

I add a few simple things to my trunk of my car and in hopes that I never have to use them any winter.
1. Two small blankets.
2. A bag of kitty litter it works great for traction when one is stuck
3. A small bucket it works for handling the kitty litter.
4. Flashlight
5. Lighter Confession time…I bought a double pack of lighter yesterday and I was going to put one in the trunk and now I can’t find it but I even seen it this morning.
6. Kindling to start a fire with.
7. Some newspaper to start a fire with.
8. A few larger piece will go in but I’m going to have Bart spilt some wood up for me

Plus I need a small tune up and my oil change in the near future. I’m not quite sure when in Idaho one can put on there studded tires.

Now for the after pictures.

Oh doodle doo I was going to but my entire picture in the center and when I was all most completely done doing this blog I notice I never change the blogger picture thing to center like I want to.

To see more tackle it Tuesdays projects Click here


  1. Wow!! Great job! Now you've reminded me that my car needs a good detailing.

  2. It's so very important to be ready for winter driving and I love the idea of putting all the necessary emergency items in the trunk!! I've got to get my winter tires put on sometime in November. xox

  3. Boy, does my van ever need that treatment. The kids spilled full pops in there last week - what a mess!

  4. Oh it's so nice to have a clean car.
    I haul alot of kids around and it seems they always leave some junk in my car....Guess it's time to give my car a bath too!

  5. good job Dora, I never seem to get around to doing mine.

  6. I am so bad about cleaning out my car. I recently found a halloween vest that I wore last year. Of course it is all faded now from the sun so I had to throw it away. It sounds like you are thinking ahead with the emergency stuff. We don't have to worry about that here. It is still in the high 80 degree marks. Looks like we will have no fall much this year. The trees have not even changed color yet.

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