Monday, September 10, 2007

September Readings

I decided to my September reading four sources one from the teaching of Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Wicca. I personal don’t own the Quran, or any books on Buddhism but I have to depend on the World Wide Web

This is what verses I picked at random Dansavagga
<3300ff>I don’t real fear being dead although I personal don’t believe in heaven or hell. But I believe in a spirit world.
But as many of us which includes me. I’m more afraid the style of dying. I guess when it my time I want to die in my sleep not some awful death.
As you read in teaching Buddha most people get what they deserve in life. Whosoever causes pain to the innocent ones will himself suffer quickly from one of the following ten states.
He will get sharp pain or injury of the body, or get serious illness or become mad.
Or punishment by the kind, or being accused of doing wrong or death of relatives or loss of treasures.
Or his house will be struck by lightning or after death, he will be reborn in Hell.
But like I said I don’t believe in hell. But I think bad spirits real get a unwarm welcome in the afterlife world it doesn’t matter which religion you belong to.
So in long run it better to be a kind and warm person to all

Now for the Quran reading Surah or Jonah Please note…I’m not sure if this is the same Jonah that is in the Christian bible or not But the verse I picked is # 9 Those who believe, and work righteousness,- their Lord will guide them because of their faith: beneath them will flow rivers in gardens of bliss.
<3300ff> I believe god and to him/her it real doesn’t matter which religion you practice. I believe it not right to have wicked heart and hate anyone. This will be one thing that upset god/dess

we do have a bible here. Now from the bible I chosen 4 verse at random.
Proverbs 4:10
<3300ff>I believe laziness in person life can cause harm. But I know people here who work their ass off an have nothing to show for it.
How about the working poor
And the employer who exploit there employees.

Ezekiel 40:10 I’m mainly focus on verse 10 which reads 10The guardrooms of the gate toward the east numbered three on each side; the three of them had the same measurement. The side pillars also had the same measurement on each side.
<3300ff> As I don’t under stand what exactly these measurements are. But my life is so out of order. It is due time to get my life on some type of routine.
Confession time…If I had to find something to prove my innocents on about any matter of what every. I’d be digging and digging
Maybe this verse is trying to tell me I need to get our records in to shape,

John 10:10<3300ff> Maybe this verse should ask the question…How should one be punished for his or her decision?
Some of us may not act out in certain way but does our thoughts or whats in our heart do.
We all may have opinion on something how something may or may not be taken care of. But what is a justice punishment… Opinion time…I think every person who is over 18 and out of high school has the right to purchase or grow marijuana for there own personal use I bet some will agree with me 100% and others will disagree with me 100% . then there will be those who will agree with some of what I said.

Mark 5:10 reads And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. <3300ff> I believe this teaching of Jesus is that he doesn’t want us to be divide us be any sort. He wants us to love different races, religion, sexual preference, those who choose a different way then you may have taken.
Opinion time…I believe god/dess want us to be separate he or she could of done this a long time ago and all may be living in a different part of the world.

Now for the Tarot Cards…
In the North Position I picked the Princess of Sword (Ideals)<3300ff> Which I have plenty of ideals and talk the talk but I always don’t always but things into action
In the East Position I picked Six of Pentacles (Geneorsity) <3300ff> I don’t understand why this coming up.
I know the fine line of giving one shirt off of one back or giving something out of your closet.
Sure I like to be more generous but I don’t see giving all my food, home and everything I own and then become homeless

In the South Position I picked the nine of Pentacles (Adundance)<3300ff> I was taught at younger age to be Thankful for what I get. Confession time…I sure have my wants that could be put into greed or need such as I would like a built in cabinet in my living room.
In the West Position is the king of wands (Dynamism) “You need to act dynamically to get your own way. Confront your strength and weakness.”
<3300ff> Getting one way is always a good way of growing and one should listen to others and the sort what would work for you.
I’ve never been afraid of to face someone who wishes to argue with me but I don’t bend over backwards to find something or someone to argue with.
I believe we should take all the facts in before we make a choice in some matter and use our head and heart to then make a decision

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