Sunday, August 12, 2007

Blogger Etiquette

yesterday I did a google search on blogger etiquette and there was no real set rules a few of the blogs I have readied different posted on leaving comments.

But one blog had me looking at reason I started to blog. It wasn’t for comment or I didn’t even have clue real what blogging was all about I heard of it on some t.v news show. Clueless even were to go or what to do. So I put in google search and blogger came up and I set up a blog. Made my first entry of a line or two. Then it was quite a bit later that I made my second post.

I wasn’t even sure how to find blogger friends or didn’t know there was such a thing as blogger friends. I was pretty clueless about blogs and still have plenty to learn

But I notice some blogs get more comment then others and wonder why those people may be more popular then me .
So I thought and try to figure it out.
I came to a conclusion the ones who are popular pretty well only response back to a certain group of people may be interest, politics, religion, or life style. Or their blogs is set up for one certain area of people and they don’t welcome others and that’s their choice.
Confession time….I thought of putting on blog act and claim that I’m one way and not the other. But I enjoy visiting other blogs who my have a different life style and interest them me But I would have been angry at my self.

None of us can blog 24/7 we all have other things to take care in our life
I do like receiving comments on my blog but when I first blogs I did it for me. I figure if I became something that I am not deep inside I wouldn’t be happy.
It doesn’t matter who we may or want to portray out in the blogger world we all put on our pants one leg at a time


  1. I hear what you are saying....I think it was at Skittle's Place that I saw the question "why do you blog" My response to her was...I started as a family thing...I come from a family of 12 brothers and sisters and a multitude of nieces and it seems a great way to that was before facebook....anyhow....I started to explore blogger and found that I could make up my own blog..which I did...and then...I decided to just write about me and so on....I then started check out other blogs and leave comments....they responded...I responded back to them...that is what I found out to be the etiquette...when someone leaves a comment it seems polite to respond back...then there are things like linking to anothers blog...if someone leaves you an award or makes mention of something that catches your fancy then you link to them in your's kinda like passing it forward and building your world of blogger know how I met you...through PEA and the Halloween exchange you did...then when I heard you were doing another one...I joined in...and there you have it.....another reason I blog...I moved to a smalltown from the city...I left all of my friends and family....where I work is to far away for me to make friends on a social basis so hence I blog...and now I have met some wonderful people in the blog world that yes I would call them my blog there you have take on blogger Etiquette.....and yes you have been added to my blogroll....cheers and have a grand day!!!

  2. I have always blogged for me and never worried if others like it and comment. I never liked cliques when I was growing up and I am way to old for them now. I enjoy all kinds of people and it pisses me off when people won't read someone because they think they are to good for them because they believe in different things. Oh well, I guess you can't please everyone.
    By the way, thanks for the blogger award. I will be posting it soon. I have to resize it to fit my template.

  3. Well, I am not a blog purist. I read the ones that interest me, and comment if I have something to say. As for what I write, I use my blog as a journal. I actually print my entries out once a month or so and tore them in a 3 ring binder.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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