Wednesday, August 01, 2007

August Reading

My Tarot Card reading for the month of August goes as follow

In the North position is the Ace Pentacles . Reward could be in many forms from winning, hard work, bonus.
But most of the time rewards of earthly goods doesn’t just fall out of the sky and what each one of us sow will harvest>

In the East position is the six of pentacles. Generosity is to be given in different forms. We all need to be more giving but not necessary in form of money generosity can be given in mean goods and services

In the South position is the Hierophant Tradition. You need to be a teacher who passes on wisdom of the past. But this on going wisdom will keep coming from different sources which is not known

In the West position is the Ten of Wands Oppression. Is can come in many forms and can be cause by over or under doing something.
Pace on self and keep and even balance in all things.
Remember to take keywords from above and use them wisely

In the month of July the cards that showed up was
North: Creative which was Empress. I sometime need learn that Mother Earth is creative and I get frustrate when my ceramic business doesn’t go as I want it but Honest time…I waste a lot of time that I could be working toward directly or indirectly and I then I stop working toward my dreams.
East balance which was two of swords. When I think I got life sitting evenly on teeter totter someone or something moves just slightly and then it all goes to hell in hen basket. Confession time… I tell people about bumps in the life road but when there any bumps in my life. I tend to be one who thinks it actual a brume and in reality it is a minor bump
South Ambition which is Prince of Wands. confession time… I have more Ambition in my mind then what I actual do I ‘m one who will let my self-wonder off task.
But I remember my dad saying “There not enough daylight to get everything done”.

West Consideration which is King of Hearts. I give majority people benefit of doubt but I try to look at many side of an issue and try to with hold judgments because there never just one to blame.
As a wife and mostly a mom lot of things I want goes on the back burner.
question time… I don’t understand why this card showed up.
Dough one thing I honestly spent to much time blogging and I’m not being very considered to my family.

Teaching one self new habits is hard to do


  1. thank you so much for the bday wishes!

  2. I love how you do a tarot reading for yourself each month. Wish I could read tarot.. oneday, I will take the time to learn.
    thankyou so much for continuing to comment on my blog, I really do appreciate it alot xoxo

  3. I am not good with the tarrot cards so I can't help you on the reading of them, but I do love that deck..what is it called?

  4. Miss R and Autumn..The Tarot card I use is from Amy Zerner and Monte Faber but not sure what it is called.

    I was told not to buy a book but real look at every inch of details and lack of better word tell a story about that card.
    But in all honesty I do use the book that came with these tarot cards.
    I haven't yet learn to tie it all in.


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