Monday, June 04, 2007

Thinking Blogger Award

Niobium over at Solidly Average Nominated me for the award which made me feel super good mostly coming from Niobium I’ve never felt belittle from her.
As I was growing up I hate my given name Dora because in school I was known as “Dumb Dora” and I was known basically as someone with low I.Q” and every time I did well on something the other children would say “I copied from some one else” I was told I was to stupid to do anything on my own.
Confession time…Lot of time I would miss things on purpose so I wouldn’t be made fun of.

Now I need to nominate 5 people who I read that makes me think and I like to nominate all of those on my side bar.
Let see the words I enjoy using after reading a blog is.
1. “Right on”
2. “I could do that”
3. “Wow, I never seen it in that light”
4. “Learn something new everyday”
5. “That’s inspirational
6. “ That’s an interesting way of looking at something”
7. “ I don’t see it your way but I’m glad to learn about it”
Now here is my 5 people who makes me thinking.
1. Hidden Haven Homestead
2. Vomit Comit
3. The Open Window
4. Rocking Hejabi
5. Flitzy Phoebie

Remember I’m doing a summer scavenger hunt for more info Click here


  1. congrats on your award!!

  2. I love the name "Dora" and what a shame you were teased with it when you were a child...but you know what, I don't think it matters what name we have, kids always tend to find something about it to tease us about! They are the ones who are "dumb" for acting so childish:-) Congratulations on the Thinking Blogger certainly do deserve it!! xox

  3. Thank you for the wonderful compliment, peppy!

    And I too love the name Dora.


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