Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Obey Thy Husband Even If He Is Wrong

as one of my coffee pals I read Is American Burning and the last few post got me thinking on equal partnership with ones mate.
Mostly with this post

I have never understood why one person in relationship needs to be total in control over anther person.
Murphy and I had our words to right down nasty fights and both have admitted to being wrong in our relationship mainly because we should of listen to each other.
Murphy will ask my opinion on different things and he says he hasn’t always liked what I had to say.
“If you can’t stand the truth don’t ask” .
I don’t mean to sound narrow minded but I seen some of these marriage that is based from the old testaments. Which Thankful isn’t that many because opinion time…I only seen one extreme crazy nut

I knew a guy who control everything in family and because the biblical told him that the man is the head of the household and good christen family the wife obeys there husbands.
But he surely didn’t work the sweet of his brow.
Actual she walked off the mountain at times and went to work. Handed him the money and never but his family first anyhow his pot came first.
Sex to him wasn’t for pleasure but for breeding reasons.
He tried to make her read a book on line of “Wife submit to your husbands”
I ask him if a husband wants his wife to jump off a bridge do you think she should jump off a bridge and he said “no” but with not one in control there is to much chaos in family.
Common sense tells me going against someone who you know are making a right decision is total counter productive but when someone is plain wrong why go long with them.

There this guy who we all called Moses and I don’t recall her name. But he claim god told him to move to the area of Bonners Ferry.
Well we were at some other people home and they showed up. One of the first thing he compare our little town to Sodom and Gomorrah. And he felt here was major vial over the area.
So with my behavior and I don’t recall exactly I said or did because I spoke against Murphy and he told me only harlot women spoke against their husbands. Then we got out of there as fast as we could and I actual walk before my husband down the stairs and so called Moses made anther statement at me and could maintain my self any longer and I double over laughing.
Murphy though he was some kind of kook also and she thought her husband was some type of messenger from the almighty.
Some other time I’ll tell you more about our local Moses

Here some more links to

Snarky sermon
Spank you very much
Leah life
Leah Corner


  1. I'm one of those people, whom, if someone says "don't" I will do. "wait" and I will go. "drink this" and I will make a point to go thirsty. I think the reason why is that I grew up with an overprotective father and moved right from that to a husband (not my current husband) who also tried to dictate every move I made.

  2. I really dislike these men who think they are better than women. They belong in the dark ages, not in the modern world!! I would have laughed my head off too to hear someone say what he did to you! hehe Have you made the draw for the gnome yet? I thought it was June 3rd you were going to have it...just had a couple of people ask me:-) xox

  3. I've never bowed down to any man, and don't ever plan too. And to quote Forrest Gump "That's all I have to say about that"

  4. I would not do very well in that environment - I would rebel and be stoned.
    I can't believe this kind of life still happens -

  5. I was raised in churches that preached that women should submit themselves to their husbands, unless their husband's direction was in direct opposition to God's directions. I refuse to let somebody else have that kind of control over me. Even now, a couple of blogs I read (and some friends from HS) spout the same nonsense, as if their husbands are somehow more superior to themselves. Some of these women even seem to think that they shouldn't have any interest outside of the welfare of their husband & children. I mean, PLEASE!!! I was born with a love of books, and I'm supposed to negate that because my husband and daughter don't feel the same way?!?! I'm not supposed to share my love of books with others because it's not directly related to my duties as a wife & mom??? I feel like telling people with that take, to kiss off, ya know?!?!

    Unfortunately it seems so ingrained in the minds of men that their desires & needs come first over ours, that it's hard to over-come that, even when you know that's not the way it always should be. It's ok to let them have their way, but it should be a mutual decision, and there should be some definite give there on the hubby's part, too.

    Glad you & Murphy have such a strong relationship as to be able to argue over things, but also work past them. We're working on 10 years (in Nov.) now, and though we've had our fair share of fights, we realize that a fight doesn't mean we should end our marriage. Just means we've got things to work out.

    A couple of freaky books to read that propose thinking along those lines (women subliminating themselves to their husbands) are "Fascinating Womanhood" and "Created to be His Helpmeet". Both propose that a woman should have no interests that do not serve her husband. *shudder*


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Today Is Tuesday, December 24, 2024: This Is What Happened

  Christmas eve. It will be quiet around here. Later on, Murphy and I will open our gifts. This evening. I won't be blogging tomorrow. ...