Thursday, April 26, 2007

Leave Me Hanging

It one of those day I’m not sure how I want to go about things. Let see I haven’t yet taken off my studs on my tires and they were to be off by the 15th of April. “opps” and now it’s the 26th.
Plus I need to go to wal mart and get my medication. I get my Buspirone and it one those medication that is $4.00 and here it well over $40.00.
There a few other items that I need to get but it doesn’t matter if I get them at Wal mart or B.T.C.
My mine concern is the price of gas. As of yesterday it was at $2.99 and usual on Thursday or Friday the gas seems to be risen on those days.
So at this point what I think I’m doing is staying home today and getting things done. Tomorrow before I go to work is to drop my car off walk over to Callie my client place and have my tires change.
Then after I get my car is done then do my local errands and head to Sandpoint and wal mart.
But who know how things will work out.

I know my son Sawyer will have his graduation ceremony the 2nd of June. But they haven’t yet decided on a time or exactly where the ceremony will be held at.
I need to know a time and place so I can make out the announcements for my son high school graduation.

After Graduation, Sawyer got hired on the forest service as a fire fighter. then after that he will be going to North Idaho College and last time he decided a major has in Resort and Recreation management At this point he real doesn’t know what he wants to do. But as an 18 year old and most bachelors takes four good years to get and to him four years in future seems to be internal a lifetime.
We applied for him to get a Pell Grant and here the thing. “ I wish they would tell us something”
If we got a good portion of the grant money we were going to buy sawyer a lap top but we can’t afford to pay his tuition and buy him a lap top

Honest time…I don’t like to be hanging

Yesterday was my baby “Bart” birthday and he turn 16

This is a picture of lighter yellow miniature daffodil


  1. I know what you mean about thinking twice before going anywhere because of the gas prices!! It's $1.09 a liter right now here which works out to about $4.36 a gallon!! Congrats to Sawyer for getting hired on as a fire fighter...good luck to him and also hope he gets that grant for college!! Happy Birthday to your other son:-) xox

  2. Yes, congratulations to Sawyer, and Happy Birthday to Bart! That's great Sawyer's already got a job lined up.

  3. its pretty! loved the butteflys on the slide show.

  4. It's obvious from your writing that you are incredibly proud of Sawyer. And rightfully so!

    BTW, I followed your link home from Roxanne's (SRP/Melange) site, and I look forward to reading more. I hope you'll pop by my site and say hi as well.

    All the best,



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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...