Saturday, April 14, 2007

2nd Entry For Photo Hunt, Hobby


Theme: HOBBY/ Become a Photo Hunter/ View Blogroll

I have quite a few interest or hobbies. I guess I don’t like to be an old stick in the mud. Let see I enjoy cooking mostly pastry cooking, gardening, and recording the weather, genealogy, and others.
Ceramics is something I don't real stress over and it comes easy to me. But there is difficult or should say piece of ceramic from start to finish is royal pain.
A brief story how I got involved with ceramic. One day I was behind the old pink lion and notice a ceramic shop and notice it was closed for vacation. So little later on I went in and did my first piece it was a watering can for plants. It was simple piece. A basic clear glaze in the inside. Then for the outside it was yellow and with pink polka dots.
I was hooked.
After a while I started to cast ceramics and it came up for sale.
Honest time..I paid way to much for the business
So everything was going fairly well and Murphy and I started to have children.
In the ceramic business you don’t make jet set life wages, and we decided to close it down for a while so I could raise the boys.
Now the boys are older and we’re old fuddy duds. After this weekend and I get rid of this stuff nose and plugged head. I’ll start to pull molds out and clean them so they be ready to cast.
May goal is to cast some in May, just on the weekends.


  1. hi Peppylady,...Thanks for visiting my blog today.You must have a large space to keep your supplies for this hobby.We all like different things.
    Have a good weekend. Baba

  2. Night owl, I only wish to have one building to keep everything in.
    Maybe someday it will happen

  3. Wow, neat hobby and a great picture. Thanks so much for visiting My Photo Blog.

  4. I will be anxious to see what you make when you start up again.

  5. I so enjoyed reading how you got into ceramics! I did quite a bit of ceramics when I was first married and still have a few of the pieces I'd made. You must show pictures of what you make:-) Hope you feel better soon!! xox


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