Sunday, March 25, 2007

Shit Happen...Family and Friends

Nothing in bloom yet around here but almost on daily bases there is some change going around here.
I notice that my bleeding hearts and one of my purple rock cress is growing like weeds.
We had our rain gauge up for about two weeks now and we got about two and eighth of inch of rain so far.
The ground here is saturate with water we’re having trouble with our septic and we have to watch our water use and I sent the boys in to do laundry at the Matt.

My Aunt Eve called me this morning and told me that Uncle Henry brother Roy passed away. I’ll post his obit sometime after Thursday.
Roy was the oldest child in his family and he was 18 months older then his brother Henry.
I don’t think Roy and Henry weren’t close.
What I gathered that Roy and Henry mother favored Roy over Henry. I don’t recall meeting Roy and Henry mother but I did meet their dad Luther.
I guess Shit happen in family my Uncle Harvey and Uncle Bossco never spoke since when Uncle Harvey told a bold face lie about his brother Bossco getting into trouble and Bossco got into major trouble when he got home.
Nothing was done to Harvey for lying.
Paraphrasing this: My Aunt Penny went over to visit her brother Harvey and said to her that his son could buy out all the McCalmants out and all of them our piece of shit.
I know my mother said that Mike, sunny blue eye little boy could do no wrong and she just wanted to beat the holly crap of him”
Murphy and his brother Earl don’t get along but he thinks less of Earl wife family mainly his brother in law or his mother in law.
Honest time…If I had to take care of someone like my Uncle Harvey I believe he could difficult client.
I find those who have no contact with family or the family won’t have contact with them. There is a reason why and they can be difficult.

I guess shit happens in families

Sawyer moved back home earlier then he planned. I guess his roommate let his old girl friend Valerie and it pissed him off and I guess his friend Karl is getting laid off and he can’t stand his girl friend.
Plus he said he would never sign a rental lease with them because there usual late with there rent.

My friend Alice daughter had her baby I think Sunday Morning around 7AM. I know they started to induce labor Friday Morning.
It seems like a long time. I know my friend Alice had long labors.
My first one was about 8 hours. I’m counting when they hooked up the I.V to induce labor and I think I was in hard labor for about an hour and half.
My last one was about 15 minutes. I should post about my child Bering some time. It won’t scare anyone about having babies.

I’ve been putting picture for my friend Quenelle on her Catered Wedding Business
web site.

Edit note..Mike is one of my mother brothers who is about 2 years older then her.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to comment on your Monday post but I don't see the comment button...did you turn it off by accident? Just thought I'd let you know:-) It's always good to do a clean up on a blog once in a while...I have links to blogs that I don't visit anymore so I really should be doing some clean up on mine too! lol


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Monday, May 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

A quiet day. Been doing not much. A load of wash and seen my therapist. Here is last page I did in my art journal.