Thursday, March 22, 2007

Only If I Remember Everything.

This morning I was checking in with a few of my blogs that I read. I hosted a Ostra Scavenger hunt and my partner was Autumns Meadow
I had a blast doing this Ostra Scavenger Hunt and now I’m considering doing a Litha Scavenger Hunt but won’t post anything till May.

If you never done a swap or did tons of them there is one being hosted by Pea Corner called Peas Bunny Swap and you have till Friday the 23rd of March 23, 2007. To let her know your interested in doing Peas Bunny Swap.

The other day I had the T.V on in morning and I’m guessing it was The Today Show and some sociologist was talking about how during Reagans era was called “Greed is good”. Do anything to anyone to get a head.
Now since bloggers came out in the world and expressing everything under the sun. You better do the right thing and warm none or it going to end up on a blog and never know who in world going to learn about it.
Now the funny thing I want to make a link to story and I couldn’t remember who the Sociologist was on the Today Show or which day I saw It.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited about the upcoming Bunny of now I have 18 people who joined so it should be fun!! I'll email you on Saturday to let you know who your partner is:-) By the way, thank you for sending me your address!! Happy Spring my friend! xox


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