Thursday, March 15, 2007

I's High Class Wino-Wine

I debated with my self on taking a walk or not today. I usual taken my walk with Butch but last time I asked him if he want to take a walk he didn’t see to be his perky ole self.
I thought of driving over across the highway and parking in Paradise Valley Cemetery parking lot and starting my walk from there.
Last night I ran Bart into a church youth group that he goes to and I notice gas went up to $2.59 and 9-tenths. Might as well say $2.60 a gallon.

So I decided to take a rake on the back yard we have a big yard and only raked for about an hour and I can feel ache in back of my right shoulder.

Daisy our dog and Ziggy the cat laid out in the yard and watch me work

I haven’t had a coke of any type for ages. I wanted to buy some wine and I don’t think it right for parents to buy alcoholic beverage and can’t afford to get the kids some kind of treat so I bought a 12 pack of Cherry Coke.
Confession time…I really prefer Regular Coke

I’m a real hick when it comes to wines. Ok I know you drink Red Wine with dark meat and I know you drink White Wine with white meat.
So I ask one of the courtesy clerks I knew personally what would be a good red wine and cheap.
So he said they been moving this “wawa red 04” So for under three bucks I gave it a try. I’ve had better wine before.
I personal wouldn’t pay much more then what I did

1 comment:

  1. Daisy our dog and Ziggy the cat laid out in the yard and watch me work

    Ah! I see they were playing the role of middle managment.


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Monday, May 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

A quiet day. Been doing not much. A load of wash and seen my therapist. Here is last page I did in my art journal.