Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Very Nice Welcome

Yesterday Murphy sister Faith inspired him to start to mix a batch of ceramic slip up. We were looking at some catalog that the things in their sells for 20 arms, 8 legs and 3 ears. All outrages.
I know I can’t compete with wal-mart.
So Murphy and I haul out the pour table and washed all down and hauled it back in to let it dry.

So after the service at the Gardenia Center we started to mix a batch of clay up. Got in our 11 gallons of water and couldn’t get it to pump though.
Figuring there is a big clump of old clay in the pump tower and there is to much water on floor to real do much with, waiting for the water to dry out.
So I don’t see it happening today. But it start toward my # 24

As we were working on the clay I looked out the window and seen a group of robins in an crab apple tree.

I have to admit the speaker at the Gardenia center was very interesting today and never knew much on it’s history.
18 years ago they was looking for place for all believes met and they found this old church building which was up for sale and need a lot work and real couldn’t afford it. And they made and offer for it and got it.
They want to name it after a flower and they all liked what the gardenia flower stood for, joy and the shape every petal is equal in size which represent we are all equal.
The color of white represent purtiy and I the color of white I don’t recall what it represent.
When they first open some group wrote things of hate towards the group who attend the gardenia center and all the brave souls of that time didn’t get up set and washed it all off.
One of the members decide to attend the local minsters meeting group and she was ostracize. In most community the local minsters of the churches meet and try to better the community.
But the other churches didn’t want any part of the gardenia center.
So March 10th they’re going to have a open house to the public. I’m not sure what I’m doing that Saturday I might check out the Irish Festival in Libby Montana or go to the open house.

1 comment:

  1. Way cool! Ceramics, eh? I'll have to search your blog and see if you have posted any of your work.
    I tried ceramics once - made a nice, heavy ball of muck!


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