Confession time…when I see or hear of conservative Christians my thought of them is they’re judging others.
There is no way of proving this but I still feel this way.
I’ve been going though Ultra Blog Party and click on every link to see if they were Christian, non christian or unknown believe.
If they have any of these things on their blogs such as biblical verses, mention Christianity, or Jesus.
My first reaction is “who died and gave the Christians the right to judge”
See right their I’m accusing someone with out proof of judging or even if I have proof.
I’m judging them of judging.
I was over to see what bloggers sign up for ultra blog party. Well as far as I see there only 7 non Christians.
61 there believes are unknown.
49 of them are of Christian faith, honest time…as I was looking though their blogs I kept thinking to my self “why bother doing this they as christian don’t want anyother believes in their little clique” because ultra conservative Christian judge others.
Then more and more I start to see who was involved I noticed my inaccuracy of judging.
But some of the blogs even if faith is different then mine. I even notice a lot of them I have some of the same interest as they do
I don't think it is us who is judging. I think it is some of those people. I have found that many people visit my page for awhile then when they realize that I post about "non christian" topics they don't come back. I feel like I am being judged just because I have different interest.
ReplyDeleteThey judge me just because they do not want to take the time to read all the post. If I am not stating a Christian (which I have never said if I was or wasn't) then it is assumed that I am not. Just because I celebrate the pagan holidays and mention them I am being judged. Cliques are everywhere but it is stupid for it to be so rampant on the net..People it is only a blog..get a life...geeze
I think it's just human nature for us to judge, even though we don't like to be judged ourselves. I really don't care what religion, race, etc everyone is, if I enjoy their blog then I go visit! On my own blog I don't talk religion or politics...that's just my choice. I'm sure a lot of my readers wonder what I DO believe in! LOL Hugs xox