Wednesday, February 21, 2007

More Bare Dirt East of Us

Today we went up on Katka to visit some of our friends Quenella and Earl.
Murphy brought up a little smoke to share with them and of Crouse they shared back with us.

She been writing out a letter to court for her son. He was been having trouble with his ex wife over custody
Not knowing the true details I won’t go in it.
When her ex daughter in law then daughter in law did up their site for her weddings. Well after her son spilt the sheet. Wrote a big “Fuck You” across Quenelle site.
Ok she only witches I ever new did mean and nasty things

But I guess once she gets the paper work done for her son she will go back on working on her wedding place and site.

She has beautiful gardens full of wonderful flowers. But I have to say mine up farther then her.
All of her flower beds are showing bare earth and we only have two place is showing bare earth is under our front window and I have things a peeking though the earth.
On the edge of barn/shed I have bare ground showing but I don’t think any thing has pop though yet.
My yellow and purple flower bed still covered in snow


  1. Something pretty will bloom very soon I hope! My first Iris is starting to show her face.

  2. Oh, I wish some of my bulbs were showing. At least the snow has all melted. For now. There's a 50% chance of snow this weekend, though.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...