We got the pump working we decide to replace the motor on the pump. The one on there before was throwing sparks.
Murphy remembered that we had and old motor in shed on the North Bench and he walked back and got it.
I visit with my mother in law Norma Murphy Step Mother. I found out her sister Hazel passed away. She had dement ion and Alzheimer in my Opinion time…Hazel Alzheimer was brought on by stress
Well when we got back home we took the old motor to the pump off and put on the new one. Well new to us.
We tested it before we actual hooked it up.
Now I’m in search of anther motor. Most of the time the motors are from old dryers or washing machines.
We never bought a new motor for the pour table. Some how we always bumped into them at yard sales, garbage, and place that are free or nearly free.
Murphy was going to mix up a batch of slip and found the entire chemical that is adding it. But the label fell off of two of the chemicals and their both white in color. One of them is semi gritty and the other one feels like flour.
My guess is that the Soda Ash would be grittier.
Then the
Barium Carbonate would be a texture like flour.
My friend Karen who lives in Troy Montana might know the different between Soda Ash and Barium Carbonate. I know she has mixed up several batch of clay since I have.
See Karen had brain surgery I mean major stuff the closes place was San Francisco to do the surgery.
I found and old recipe to mix clay and I wasn’t sure for how many bags and I start to read off the ingratiation and she new right off for how many bags.
Hopefully she can tell me the different in the two chemicals.
The only other one is Sodium Silicate
I was going to blog about my client sister Eris getting thrown in Jail well maybe anther time I will.
Her sister thinks she needs to set their for a while and I can understand why.
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