Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thirteen Thursday # 20

I bought the 2007 Llwellyn Witches Calendar and I think it total fastening. So I thought I would try to learn some pagan important dates in January and what I learn I’ll share it with you.

1. January 4th is when Aquarian Tabernacle church registered in Australia, 1994.
To me it seems that only religion they real recognized in the United States is Christianity, Judaism, and slowly coming around and recognizing Islam.
I don’t if we Pagan are a afraid to noticed as a religion or we like our privacy. Honest time...I don’t have any desire to sell my spiritual belief on anyone.
And I’m a little apprehensive to let people know about my belief because I don’t want to listen to them and tell me why “I’m wrong”

2. January 5th
Christianity was introduced to England by Augustine of Canterbury under the eyes of Pope Gregory I . I’m starting wonder when Pope Gregory I send Augustine to England what promotion of Christianity they sent Jesus or Paul.
Statement time...I want to read the gospel of Thomas and Mary Magdalen someday

3. January 6th Patricia Crowther of England airs a radio show called “a spell of witch craft”
The only type of religion radio show I hear up in North Idaho is “ Everyone is sinning and we all heading to hell”
When the nights are longer I get a chance to listen to Bernie Ward and God Talk

4. Janauary 8th is MacGregor Mathers birthday. Never heard of this person before.

5. January 9th Jamie Dodge fired by the Salvation Army for her wiccan beliefs. I’ve heard of this case but wasn’t quite sure when it took place.
Confession time...At one time I wouldn’t support any LDS business because of their promation of prejudiced
I now try to look at people as individuals not as categories. I also try to find good in all.

6. January 12th Mary Smith is hung... The year was 1616. Mary Smith lived on the outskirts of a village near Kings Lynn in Norfolk. It was late afternoon and she was busy in her kitchen making cheese and muttering to herself. Her three cats looked on half-asleep. She had been living on her own for years now, since her husband had died. Her children were living in the town nearby and never came to see her. As she muttered she threw herbs into her cooking pot that was bubbling away on the fire. She had a shawl about her shoulders to keep her warm. Her hair was coarse and shot through with streaks of grey. Her face was lined and her cheeks sunken, for she had only a few rotten teeth left. Her cottage was in need of some repairs, but she couldn’t afford to have them done. The small payments she received from the villagers for her cheese just about kept body and soul together. Mary Smith was a hardworking woman just going about her daily business as usual.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous hammering on the door that shook the cottage. It made her jump and her startled cats vanished into the dark recesses of the cottage. Mary slowly made her way to the door and upon opening it was bowled over by the burly men-at-arms as they rushed in. They grabbed her and shouted, ‘we are arresting you on charges of witchcraft.’
Poor Mary was totally bewildered as she was dragged outside to the waiting cart. ‘What about my cats,’ she wailed. ‘Never mind your cats you witch, get into the cart,’ shouted one of the men-at-arms. Unceremoniously Mary was bundled into the cart and roughly tied up. Cries from the villagers of 'you evil witch, we shall come and see you hang,' followed Mary as the cart left the village, bound for Kings Lynn.

Unfortunately for Mary, the witch-finder was in the local town, and he was paid a fee for each execution. Mary Smith was thrown into jail. Here, Mary was stripped to the waist and searched to see if she had a third nipple, a sure sign of a witch. Her jailers could find no such sign. Nevertheless, she was severely interrogated, tortured and spent days in solitary confinement, without food or water before she ‘confessed’ to the charges; that she had been approached by the devil, in the shape of a black man, who had offered her revenge on her neighbours, because they was jealous of their cheesemaking. She was taken before the witch finder who relentlessly and without remorse interrogated her and found Mary guilty of practicing the evils of witchcraft.

Three days later, crying and wailing her innocence on the scaffold, she was hanged..
I guess narrow minded people still among us

7. January 13th final Witchcraft law repeal in Austria 1787. Couldn’t find anything in debt about this.
If anyone know about this please let us all know

8. January 16th Is the Birthday of Dennis Carpenter who is one founders of Circle of Sanctury. Confession I wish I could fine more about him personal but ran up against a brick wall

9. January 19th The birth of Dorothy Clutterbuck

10. January 20th Sun enters Aquarius. Startment...that’s sign I was born under

11. Beginning of tree month of Rowen, he Rowan Tree.. 21 January - 17 February - Rowans were planted near doors and gates to ward off evil and were thought to guard the gateway to the spirit world. Rowan people are idealistic, progressive thinkers with strong humanitarian and spiritual principles. They thrive on change, becoming impatient with convention or restriction, artistic and original, they can appear detached and aloof.
The Ruling Deity - Brigid, the Goddess of fertility and poetry, rules this sign.
The Druic Animal - The Dragon symbolises inspiration and imagination - Rowans need an outlet for their powerful imagination or they can become restless and quarrelsome. Planetary Ruler - Uranus Ogham Word - Luis...I’m also fell out of this tree.

12. January 30 Birthday of Zsuzanna.

13. Other interesting dates for January


  1. I usually buy that calendar, but haven't picked one up yet. Thanks for the info on January.

  2. That's an interesting calendar. Thanks.

    And thanks for the comments. I knew you meant Watergate because I do the same thing all the time (confusing the two even when I know better).

  3. I love the Llewellyn witches' calendar! MacGregor Mathers was a very important man in the Golden Dawn. He has also done a lot in what we know today about tarot.
    Thanks for visiting my TT. All the best to you and yours in the new yaer!

  4. Really interesting post. I love the way you explained. If you want to know more about When is the best time for a tarot reading? Check out Trusted astrology website.


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