Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Little More Holiday Joy

I’ve been enjoy reading the blogs recently. For some reason I’m having trouble getting into the holiday spirit. At this point I think Scrooge with his bah hum bug is merrier then what I’m.
So far I took part in two swaps. One is an “stocking exchange” my stocking exchange partner was rowan over at Circle of the year I also did the ornament exchange.

Did you know Santa is involved in the Blogger World. Well I found out via Pea’s Corner. If you need to know about being naughty or nice just click here.

I’ve recently did Christmas Tree Treasures and enjoyed whole thing. This Friday the 15th Boo Mama is hosting her Christmas tour of homes

I planing to hold a spring time scavenger hunt. I’ve been having a blast doing these swaps and blogger parties, I don’t know what else to call them

Murphy and I put in central gas heat in our home. Now we been or should say mainly he has been insulating around where the house sits on the foundation. We had enough scape lumber and insulation that he filled in were the house sits on the foundation.
But one wall we didn’t think it would of been a great ideal to hammer nails around a bunch of live wires. On the side with wires we used what I call liquid foam that comes in a can.

The picture with the board and insulation behind was done with one by ones. Not a true picture

For a while we had some pretty big icicles hanging from our home. Murphy went out and broke them off.
It warmed up and been a drizzly rainy day.

After Murphy Sister Faith got back from California, she made her brother some Cioppino for his birthday.
It was my first time having Cioppino and I had to get the recipe from her.
She goes down to Safeway and buys a can of Cioppino. Add two cans of tomatoes. Depending on how spice you like your food you can add more cioppino or if you like it less spices add some tomatoes.
Then for seafood she add shrimp, king crab in the shells, and some scallops. Let simmer on medium low heat.
Then after we got done eating we played scrabble and I don’t recall who won. But I know I came in last.
During the evening Faith menchin that her sister Susan front porch is leaking and her husband tried to fix it and instead of taking the old off and redue it he just add some tar and put up new shingles.
Well it leaking though and I guess when Susan Husband steps out she cleans up the drips.

According to Heinz that Susan husband gets to frustrate.
I almost said “Sounds like Murphy” But since he started to taking Lexapro he doesn’t seem to get frustrate over simple things.

He once said if he had to be medicate so he wouldn’t become a bitter old man. I’ve seen people who holds grudges and become bitter about life and I know it’s not for me

Just found in the blogger world a Christmas tree decorating contest.

1 comment:

  1. I also enjoy these swaps so much and I'm curious about your Scavenger Hunt...you'll have to tell me about that:-) Wow, I can't get over the size of those icicles you had hanging on your house!! It's no wonder they can be so dangerous if they fall on someone! I've heard about that liquid insulation but we've never used it, you'll have to let me know if Murphy was satisfied with it? Hope your day was a good one:-) xox PEA http://peascorner.blogspot.com


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 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...