Monday, November 06, 2006

Where do we Belong

As of yesterday my word count for my so called novel is at 1030.

When we blogg or read others bloggs. Do we except or not except people who belong to a different religious group, ethnic group, or zodiac sign.

I read bloggs that belong to different lifesyle, political party confession time...I tend to read bloggs that aren’t fans of President Bush Maybe I should I could learn something new or interesting from a President Bush fan.
And religion.
Why do we as people say or think
“I have friends belong to that ___________ group”
“One of my relatives married_________”
“You know their one of them”
Do we real need to point out other people beliefs, ethnic group, political group, or any type of category they may or may not belong to.
I can be put in several group. Sure I have my own personal belief, hair color, eye color, philosophy or finger/toe nail polish.
But we are all live under the same Milky Way galaxy.

I took a quick survey of the 20 bloggs that I read. Honest time...some of my regular fellow bloggers may have more then one blogg. I only looked at one of their bloggs
6 of my coffee pals put people in catagorize people who link to their bloggs
6 of my coffee pals have religious sticker on their bloggs
1 of my coffee pal have a political sticker on their bloggs
1 of my coffee pal have a ethnic group sticker on their bloggs
1 of my coffee pal have an zodiac sticker on their bloggs
15 of my coffee pal have some other type of sticker on their bloggs.
What is the reason we put graphics on our bloggs. Is it to say “Hey I belong to certain group” Are we saying “Welcome to my blogg” or we saying “Stay a way from my bloggs”

If we were all the same. They would be no greaat inventions, or any changes into sociality, no cure for disease.
If we’re all the same we would still be living in a cave


  1. Thanks for the comment. I put the link in because I was sure many people didn't know about the bonfires and fireworks.

    No "buttons" to speak of on the "granny" sidebar and my blogroll is alphabetical. (I may change to geographic one of these days to help people find each other).

    It is a little political. I list moveon and PFLAG on the sidebar so first time readers can decide if they're comfortable with a flaming liberal who supports gay rights.

    I save most of the political stuff for the other blog.

  2. I changed several things when I got the new format this time. I only have the moon on there. I also stopped listing a blog roll, because I think a lot of people won't read me because I linked to pagans, and talk about pagan type things. I guess they think we all have 3 heads or something. The rest don't read me because I am boring ha ha. Anyway I think people do judge us in blog land sometimes by what buttons and links we use. Not fair, but true..Sad huh.

  3. I'm not an American but I don't care for Bush at all...happy now?? lol I love having everyone over at my blog, the more the merrier and I don't care what religion, ethnic group, etc, they are:-) I don't talk about religion or politics on my blog...I just try to keep it light and enjoyable for everyone. As for the stuff I have on my sidebar, hey I can't resist cute blinkies! lol Hugs xox

  4. I want people from all sort of back ground visiting my blogg and My favor bloggs are from different oridary people.

    I dout I'll very put any ethnic, religious, or political stickers on my blogg.

    I want to keep my blogg open to all.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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