Monday, September 04, 2006

To Much Forgiveness

Over Labor day weekend. I felt like I was pulled a lot of different direction. Got a lot done nothing a 100% completed.
Murphy and I haul more stuff out of the basement into the shed/barn. I reorganize the stuff under the stair well.
Found a few piece that I’ll use to decorate our home with
But now I’m behind in laundry and house work

Murphy, Quenelle, and I went to the Sunday service at the gardenia center
An elderly lady read this story of a church in New Mexico.
I thought it was pretty neat.
The main speaker was a lady who did it on forgiveness. Honest time...I thought she put to much emphasize on forgiving and always looking to feel guilty 24-7 No nothing wrong asking for forgiveness or forgiving someone but their a limited to it.
Confession time...I think a person does something wrong admit it and say “I’m sorry for ________” and if they won’t except that it no longer your problem. It become their weight on their psyche and heart if they don’t forgive and admit there wrongs of their ways.

Then Sunday evening we went down to my Uncle Henry and Aunt Eve little camp place and had dinner. The main carouse was salmon with a bunch of food.
My Cousin Nathan caught that fish up on Kootenay Lake in British Columbia and his wife Fabinia made bread putting and I don’t every remember eating it but it sure was good.
Then this morning we drove down to the camp place and had biscuit and gravy for breakfast.

So I didn’t have a chance to work on Mr Linky and few other home project. Oh yes Murphy trunk unlocked so now I can find my lace curtain and hang them in our bedroom

1 comment:

  1. Ok. I can show you how to do it but I can't in your comment box because is will turn into a link.

    I'd have to do it in email and I don't have your email address.



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Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, Murphy and I finished up the dining room wall. We're both a little sore. Well, I've been a lot sore. I think on Thursday,...