Sunday, September 10, 2006

Needed Some Minor Changes

I made a few changes in my world stages

My home stage we put up some lace curtain that my mom got before I was every born. The curtain went in our bed room and it makes it more softer feeling.
Murphy says they won’t help with energy well he is right but they do add a touch of beauty to the room.
I got two 5 by 7 inch south west picture of adobe homes which I hung under one of my larger desert painting.
I also bought anther picture with a giraffe in it. Plus I got two small little giraffe that I put in my kitchen shelf wall. I collect giraffe.

Today Murphy and I once again went to the Gardenia center and two words in their Sunday service program that got me thinking is Omnipotent and Precious. Honest time...I don’t know where or how these two words in personal adjectives for me
I have to say I got more out today sermon then I did last Sunday. Forgiveness is fine but I don’t dwell on it. Sure I have my short or long comings. Confession time...I just don’t believe we need to search our minds and spirits for things we do wrong. If we do wrong admit to it and move on in life.
Today sermon is about how and why things goes awry in our ordinary life. But somehow things always works out like they should. Every thought about the sun. In the summer we bitch how hot it is and how cold it is in the winter. It comes right down to it the sun is in a good place not to close and not to far away and it takes care of our basic needs.
This is the little quote on front of program.

I’ve done a few small changes to my blogg. On my side bar if you take a minute and take a look. About this blogg I put in quote from Edgar Allen Poe...“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”
Then I divide up my sidebar into groups I link to “coffee pals” are other bloggs that I find great to read. I’m always looking for ordinary people not to snouty or not to dull.
Then right below that is “One or Two” It other web pages or site I find interesting.
Down below that you’‘ ll find “My other stages” at this time I only got my weight lost blogg and would like to add a genealogy one to it but haven’t found one or don’t know what I want to put there.

Yes majority of the time change is good if it isn’t in haste. I’m now using beta the only thing I’ve had trouble with is leaving comments to some of the bloggs.
One of my cousin from Colorado send me some picture of Polar bears and since I have no camera at this time. I thought I would post the.

1 comment:

  1. The blog incompatibility with comments is making me a bit snaky, but other than that it's not too big a difference. You're right, every once in a while we need a little change.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Sunday, January 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

  Cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, and here is my last cuss. I took a photo of my artwork, and an error kept popping u...