Saturday, September 23, 2006

Big and Little Object of LIfe

We been busy doing small and not so small project around the home. Last night Murphy and I put up a light green mint color shelf in living room and put on a creamer and sugar bowl and I have know ideal were they came from. I’d like to put anther picture to west of the shelf. I know I don’t want a desert or flowers picture.
We do have a mountain and stream picture but it needs a frame.

Yesterday evening I made Sawyer his birthday cake it plain white cake out of the box. This morning I put on chocolate icing out of the can.
He went camping for his birthday up by Boulder Creek. Last time he went camping he came home early because I think he got to cold.

Today I tired a new recipe called Fall pumpkin cider bread which I got from pagan on ridge.
No I didn’t get eggs out of my chicken coop, and the apples and pumpkin surly didn’t come from my garden either.
I’m planning to take the bread to the gardenia center for coffee hour after in the celebration of Mabon.
Honest time...I like to bring up the ideal of celebrating the different earth base season and holidays with this group at gardenia center
I’m to new their so I’m bring something to nibble on during coffee hour.
Confession time...I’m a little nerves about bringing up the ideal to do something with earth base
celebration and if I organize something it would be a flop

Murphy and I finished tearing down the shelf in the basement and stacked them in piles so they will be haul out to the barn/shed.
Tomorrow at three in the afternoon we all are including both boys are caring out the shelves so they can be resemble out in the barn/shed. Then I’ll have most of my ceramic molds were I want them.
Not sure when we will put them together

Well I got my water bill paid off in full and by Monday I’ll have the credit card payed off in full. My next check I’ll pay off my bill at one spirit book club and I’ll cancel my membership and then I’ll feel comfortable about buying a camera.
But here the thing we got 3 major bills coming up. We’re putting in natural gas center heat, our property tax and auto insurance both due in December.
Confession time...Gee I real want a camera but with these major bills coming up I don’t know if it would be a wise time to get one I could have it paid off in three payment if nothing goes wrong.

Today Sawyer is legal age and I told him he needs to go and register to vote. Last night Sawyer got a $10.00 parking ticket and he don’t think it was a just ticket so he planning to take it to court. Sometime next week I’ll blogg about it

1 comment:

  1. You sound very busy.

    Thanks for the comment today. I was surprised by how much I had to say once I started.


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Today Is Friday, January 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I finished another set of artist trading cards. I did a set of fish, with one that isn't a fish. Soon, I will post them on ARTIST TRADIN...