Friday, August 18, 2006

Lost In Blogger Space

In resent history I found some neat ideal to do with my blogg. Now I don’t have a clue were in cyber space it is.

I’ve like doing 13 Thursday Confession sometime hard for me to list 13 things on anyone area

Two things I found out in blogger land was a Saturday picture scavenge hunt or something like that sure sounds fun. Then I saw something called “Wordless Wednesday” which also sound fun.

Then when I was taking tour of boo mama homes a few of the ladies had some type of word like a word pillow. Confession time...I like to do something like this on my blogg to make sure I never gripe about only one thing

Does anyone know anything about these thing you can do with blogger and how do I find them

One last thing I think it would be fun to take 4 picture first day of fall. One from each direction North, East, South, and West

Now I need my camera part to show up or get anther camera


  1. I see a lot of those special day things around the web but I don't usually do them. I've found most of them are people who seem to link to each other anyway. Seems that blogger is one big Clique. I was so mad about the comments I got on Boo Mama I won't even visit her site now..I don't want to get burned again doing those things.

  2. Autumn, I couldn't do the home tour thing she hosted. Well I should thank my luck stars. Anyhow I don't like putting people in catagories put I don't think those christens who mainly did boo mama open house would welcome me with open arms.
    I attend a metaphysical sunday service and they're christens, buddist, pagans and all sort of different believes. To me so far no clique their.

  3. You'll find the wingnuts anywhere I'm afraid and what happened to Autumn was pure evil. It had nothing to do with Christianity. If He came back today, he'd overturn their tables and throw them out of Temple. And I say that as a Christian who sometimes wants to hide her head in shame. Guilt by association?

    Anyhow. I succumbed to Friday cat blogging but I don't link to a group. I just thought it was cute and I have cats.

    There is one site looking for recipes with five or less ingredients. It's fun to read and I like the blogger.

    And I have one correspondent in the Philippines who has one for every day of the week.

    It just isn't for me although I enjoy reading some of them. I don't like being locked into a pattern because I never know what I'm going to say until I start typing.

    To each her/his own. I can send you links if you want more info or tell you where to find them on my blogroll.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Wednesday, January 22, 2024: This Is What Happened.

This morning, I meant Qunella at Under the Sun. Their plain black coffee is under $2.00 a cup, and you can get all the refills you want or n...