Friday, July 07, 2006

Chinese laundromat

Someday I feel like I work in a Chinese laundromat. When my client is by her self it actual pretty pleasant.

One day a long time ago(months) her nephew brought in some drugs. I ain’t talking about little smoke. Well he clueless how they got in his sack. I personal don’t buy that because he wanted to unload them. I know two possible ways he got them. #1 Someone front him them and he would take his cut for selling them. #2 He stolen them. If he honestly didn’t know how they got their. He could simple flush them down the toilet. The Law Enforcement here I wouldn’t trust most of them as far as I could throw them

My client sister is hooked on pain pills. She gets 160 of them a month. Well a few times my client came up with her pain meds missing. I told her “by rights I need to report this because it considered abuse. I’ve had other client let just say their memory been slipping. My client knows her sister been swiping her pain pills and so do I.
Here the thing my client has a hard time standing up to anyone. If she tells her sister she isn’t going to supply her sister with pain pills. She start to mob around and makes her feel guilty. So my client bought a lock box to put her pain weds in. She getting better standing up for her self.
Her sister and family moved in with her at different times and mouche off of her. My client gets around $550 a month + 180 a month in child support which she hardly sees.
My client sister and her tribe will live in filth. I won’t pick up after them. I find out more you do for them less their going to do for their self. My client gets real frusted when her nephew starts to harass her daugher.

The other day she took trip over to Washington with her nephew and the lady from the up stair apt. To buy some smoke. Well I’m not sure what all went down but the best I can gather. My client car was used in a crime of rape it was the lady from the up stair apt. I’m sorry she got rape. Here the thing my client had to write a report on what happen. Well the lady from the up stairs want my client to say one thing and her sister wants her to say anther thing. It simple they don’t want the fact that they drove over their to get smoke and my client say her nephew had nothing to do with it but I think he was lining up the smoke deal and my client sister wants her son protected.

What I figure out in my client family they real never learn to take responsibly for there action. My client actual out of the bunch takes the most responsible for her action then the others in her family.

It general pretty easy if her family don’t try to get her dragged in their person life or they but in her personal life. I think move over to Newport will be good for her some distant between her family and still close enough they can visit


  1. Wow. Thats quite a mess they're involved in. Hope your client will see she needs to put her foot down!

  2. What a disastrous family situation! I hope the move is good for her that way.


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