Friday, February 10, 2006

Be a Jerk and Be a Survivor Winner

Last night we watch Survivor, we hardly every watch and I guess the only reason we watched it. I was tired from work and nothing else was on. I’m not a big fan of Survivor. . So I’m not real up to date.

Last night their was to bigger woman on the show compare to the others. These two were not fat who were Cirie and Melinda
These two ladies was shun by the others from their group and treated like shit . Sure these woman weren’t as vulgar as the other four woman, didn’t have on skimpy bathing suits. Pranced around Shane who I thought is a total asshole

This show needs no competition between the two teams. What it real boils down to is popularity contest If they were into an surviving contest it should be done on point skill level. Sure they should be competition as team and that team should be able to stay.
The losing team should have a 3 competition and the person with the least amount of point from there competition will be ask to leave.

Other time I’ve seen the show I find people on survivor I find the back stabbing total atrocious

To be survivor you need to have a nasty attitude, have no problem back stabbing people, and have a so call perfect body. No need to have very little skill.

1 comment:

  1. I watch Survivor every season, and every season I'm disgusted by most of the people on the show. There aren't any REAL people on anymore-- almost everyone seems to be chosen for their looks and those who aren't Ken and Barbie dolls are always the first voted off. Bleaugh!


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