Thursday, December 29, 2005

Same Ole New Year Resolutions

I’ve been trying to think of some new year resolutions. I keep thinking of the same ole ones. That I try from year to year. You know the one weight lost.

I know my big fault in losing weight is I eat uncontrollable when I’m bored They’re plenty of things I could do to take care of the broadness. Ok I got two more confessions to make why I don’t loose weight. I enjoy food to much and eat way to much of it here the kicker I actual like heathy dishes like fruits and vegetables. The fault I have in weight lost I don’t exercise enough when I’m actual more activity I feel better.

Ok maybe I should focus more on developing health habits. Like goes to curves 3 times a week, walk 3 times a week, drink more then 4 eight-ounce glasses of water, and increase my vegetable and fruit intake. Just plain forget about losing weight isn’t what I real need to be addressing as the real issue.

The other one I say I’m going to become more organized. The only closet got some type of organization is my hallway closet. The other one looks like a dam toronto came threw . The smart thing is to go through my closet and if I’m not going to use it in within the year throw it, give it away or yard sell it and if it still looks to big of bile of stuff reduce that. and things such are easier to mange.

Yea I said I was going to get my ceramic shop going and I was planning to do a show in Oden Idaho just out of Sandpoint. I sometime think things aren’t moving as they should be I need to look on what I accomplished then what I didn’t. what I like to get done is new shelf’s build in the old horse stalls to put stuff on other then ceramic molds. Built shelves in ole hay barn for my ceramic molds. Get rid of majority of my ashtrays and hollow handle mug molds If I got that done and it wouldn’t be long before I was doing ceramics once again.


  1. I have some similar goals for this year. Eat better, drink more water, exercise more. I am debating on whether or not I want to rejoin Curves. I like their program, but its expensive.

    I really want to clean out and organize the house, as well. Especially the closets and the garage.

    Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  2. Last Summer our local curves had a free membership drive. So I join then.


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