Monday, September 05, 2005

don't know if I can handle it.

Never has been one to really like to talk about illness or medical jibber jabber. At this time in my life I do home care. I’ve been asked more then once why I don’t become an C.N.A, I would make $8.80 an hour instead of $7.90 an hour. Now it time to fess up ” If I made ninety cent more an hour, I’d actual may have to take care of real sick people. This way I don’t get stuck with the real sickles”

Sometime ago Murphy worked at a sawmill in Bonners Ferry on the green chain and he ruptured a couple disk in his back. The doctor at that time didn’t recommend surgery just take time off and basically do exercise to built your stomach muscles. He got better and went back to work.
Now we are at the point once again that his back is bothering him and his right leg is so numb and it always feels like ice. So recently he went to the doctor and they gave him some medicines. The doctor strongly subjected that he have a cat scan.
Personally I’ve seen him have serve leg cramps and pain.
In my honest option I think it makes him feel bad that he can’t work extra to support his family in a better fashion, Murphy always held a job down and support his family. During lovemaking sometime he will cramp up. I wonder sometime if he get scaredthat he will cramp up or if he feels like he will not be able to satisfied me. When I was a kid I knew a few people who had back surgery in the mid sixties and early seventy to me they always complain about their backs.
I’ve supported my self but I never had to support a family. I’m going to make anther confession. I’m scared that I may have to support the family> If someone asked what I’m afraid of. That people will possible think that my husband is lazy and or we will be in a lower income brackettheir a big different between proverty and low income. I’ve done some looking on the web about backs.
web md
mayo clinic

1 comment:

  1. I know that God will not allow you to go through something you can't handle, it might be difficult, but you will get through. Don't give up.

    I'm not being rude or anything, but doesn't Murphy have any Life/Sickness Insuurance?

    You also might want to enable word verification on your comments to reduce comment spam.

    You could also start thing about home based businesses as a way of generating income.


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