Monday, August 15, 2022

Today Is Monday August 15 2022, This Is What Happen.


Went down to help celebrate Wendy birthday. She now 4 years old. She did pretty good haul. Had a lovely meal and visit.

I decided to change up my exercise routine. I have trouble keep count on my exercise and reps. I'm going to set a timer and use that. When the timer goes off I'm done exercising. I will have time for standing and also for floor ones. I will keep my walking the same.

In personality section of Genomelink says I'm lower on RESILIENCE. I guess it would depends on the situation but in generally I think my resilience is pretty high or in normal range.

I'm strongly considering writing a letter to editor both of our local paper. I went into our local book store and sign the letter of support. I order a book, THE ABSOLUTELY TRUE OF A PART TIME INDIAN. But I will finish reading my current book. critical race theory. I'm for teaching how to think and research. I was involved in the debate team in high school. One thing it taught me is research. And look at all side of issue.

Work went ok. Took Regis to his psychiatrists. We were going to library down there he forgot his dvds. So we will go down week from tomorrow.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Yes, critical thinking is an important skill, one that is sadly lacking these days.

  2. Good idea on the exercise timer

  3. I never learned much about how to think and research and I think that might be why I don't understand things like politics. I grew up just doing what I was told to do, which is fine when you are a child, but at some point I should have started thinking for myself much earlier.

  4. At least your exercising. Getting back into swimming has been hard.
    When you don’t sleep it’s not safe to get up and drive in the dark, and lately rain
    But each day I have fresh hope

  5. Timer, instead of count...makes sense to me.

  6. CRT sounds like a subject worth reading. 👍

  7. Yes, the most important thing is to learn how to think and wonder. And research. It's too easy to just take someone's word for things. We should know how to question them.


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Today Is Friday, June 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Not sure who all takes part in “Wednesday Words On Friday” but I will link to RIVER. Who been doing I think for ages. Words are.... 1. ...