Thursday, August 19, 2021

Today Is Thursday August 19 2021, This Is What Happen

 Not as hot, I'm start to play with the ideal of not so much keeping to blogging schedule. But it my blog and I will do what I please.

During the time Regis has his cognitive therapy. I went over to our local library. Which was close for a time. I think they been only open for about 4 weeks. So I drove over to use one of there tables to write a letter. Well no sign about masks as you enter. Or hand sanitizer. Than the place where you check out books had no plexiglass. Saw one person and my self was wearing a mask. Although not many was in library. I went over to see if they had any books by Virginia Woolf. Ok, I could possible not look in the correct place. But fiction are list in alphabet by Authors. Not single book by Virginia Woolf. 

Went over to the medical clinic to get a blood sample. For my thyroid Panel. Well I'm easy to get a vain. And they got vain and my blood would start to flow, and quite. So I will try again tomorrow. Although I have heard from the Endocrinalogist yet. But my regular doctor wasn't sure what there office policy was because of covid. The doctor office I use they have you wait in your car now.

I did mange to get though some embroidery floss. 

Coffee is on and stay safe   


  1. ...we have had a wonderful rainy day!

  2. I didn’t really like reading Woolf when I was in university. I wonder if I’d like her books now?

  3. I had to get bloodwork done, too. The person at the lab complimented me on my good veins.

  4. You had a busy day!

  5. Strange that your blood would start to flow and then quit. Try drinking some water next time about a half hour before, it might help. At least half a pint.

  6. We're back to mask mandates here. I was so fried yesterday I got halfway to the store (in the parking lot, from my car) before I realized I wasn't wearing mine. Oops. Went back to get it.

  7. It's always good to stay safe and wear your mask! Have a great day, Valerie

  8. We don't have any Covid here in WA Dora, but we still use the safety app wherever we go, there is handwash at the entrance to everywhere, but thank goodness we don't have to wear masks ✨ Take care and look after yourselves ✨

  9. Covid is very confusing, everywhere you go the rules are different.

  10. Rainy days is back and weather is nice and cool. My blood test is long overdue. Avoid going to the public clinic because of the crowd. Covid rules are very strict here. Stay safe.

  11. Goodness! We all wear our masks, plexiglass everywhere and sanitizer as you enter. Most even have a person making sure you sanitize. I don't understand the US keeping the border closed to us Canadians (75% fully vaccinated) and yet we opened our border to Americans.

  12. Too bad about your local library. I'm a little amazed; at least in New York State, they seem to be more into safety measures than many local businesses. Our libraries (Southern Tier of New York) reopened in Nov of 2020 but had curbside pickup only for a month or two before that. We used curbside for months. Even after that they quarantined books for 3 days before they returned to shelves. If you touched a book within the library you had to put it into quarantine. (At least they stopped that). They never dropped masks entirely. Still have sanitizer readily available. Now all the local libraries are back to requiring masks for everyone. I hope the rest doesn't follow. Alana

  13. I hope your thyroid is working ok.

  14. We are fortunate that our local library has good Covid precautions ...

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Tuesday, February 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. They had an potato bar. It was very good. Finley took in bag of clothes to the thrift sto...