Thursday, January 21, 2021

Today Is Thursday January 21 2020, This Is What Happen

 It feels somewhat like normal day. After my pre tax credit got taken care of for my affordable care act. Or Obama care, yea it pain in patootie. But I recall not having medical insurance. Uneasy feeling.

Well here I mention my cousin husband on a VENILATOR well late this afternoon he succumbs to Covid. It been while since I seen a lot of people. Life get busy. Like most people and family are divide, not just political.  As many of you know I have relatives who thinks it hoax and does nothing of what C.D.C recommends. But I'm fairly positive this cousin followed the C.D.C guide lines. I see her two sister in store and there masked up. They lean toward left when comes to political. One of says she wishes more would wear mask. I told her "So do I" I guess there a few things I wonder what in my cousin mind. Since we live area that mask is looked as "Stepping on person constitutional right" I guess I wonder how angry she at those who refuse to wear a mask. Plus if she will view our past president with carnage.

I finely got a bag of stuff to one local thrift store. Regis and I stop in at one of them. He bought some toys. I bought nothing. There was a nice summer purse. But decided it good day not buy and thing. Paid up some bills.

Coffee is on


  1. So sorry for your cousin to lose her husband. Ignore what people say and keep wearing your masks.
    I am also sorting stuff, in my garage/shed, I have plenty of large plastic crates filled with stuff that doesn't fit in the flat, so after three or four years I start going through them, because if I didn't miss them, then I don't need them, so one very big crate is empty and I am filling it with items for thrift store.

  2. Sorry to read that your cousin's husband has been taken by Covid that really brings it home to those in denial about covid. I dont get why governments aren't talking about the source more: I believe that it was put in a laboratory and escaped, not got to us through eating some animal. I like thrift shops but all ours are closed for lockdown and I am worried that things we buy in there might be contaminated so need good cleaning. I think apart from masks transmission by hands via picking up goods in supermarkets is a worry so I wipe plastic bottles and tins down. I am sorting out junk in my garage as we are making it into an exercise area.

  3. Anonymous2:24 AM

    I think now that you have President who says wear masks, many more people will who were previously unsure or influenced by others. Is patootie a real word? What a laugh.

  4. To me, the way I look at it, consider everything a contagion...and clean, clean, clean!

  5. Sorry for your cousin´s husband.
    Masks are good, distance is better.

  6. So sorry to hear about your cousin's husband Dora, that's so shocking! Masks are good, distance even better. Take care and have a good weekend ✨

  7. ...not having health insurance should be a thing of the past in this country!

  8. So sorry to hear of the death in your family. I don’t understand the argument about masks and rights. Do the people follow the rules of the road? Do those rules interfere with their rights? So sad, especially when families have such different ideas!

  9. So sorry about your cousin's husband.

  10. Sorry to hear about your cousin's husband. Hope that things will get better in the U.S.A. with regards to the coronavirus and more now that someone who takes the pandemic seriously is in the White House.

  11. That's awful. So sorry. How much trouble is it to wear a mask if it saves a life?

  12. I am very sorry to hear about your cousin and I wish people wouldn't be so selfish and just wear those masks.

  13. That's sad to hear about your cousin's husband, Dora. Big hugs to you and your cousin.

  14. Sorry to hear about your cousin.

  15. So sorry to hear about your cousins husband.


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Today is Tuesday, March 7, 2024: This Is What Happened.

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