Thursday, August 28, 2008

ABC Wednesday F is for....

For some reason I got my days of the week mixed up

Our host is Denise Nesbitt and to see others posting of ABC please click Here or Here


Is for Fairy homes I didn’t see any other signs of fairies in the area there homes was across from were Murphy and I been cutting firewood up on Trail creek area.
I guess the one with the rock door might not want to be disturbed or maybe its hermit fairy is there such a fairy.
And also F is for…

Farmers Almanac, I’m fan of the farmer almanac it just got tid bits of great info.

This morning is going a lot smoother because if I don’t procrastinate I get things done and I don’t feel guilty.
I’m not an afternoon person


  1. nor am i a morning, afternoon or eveing person...LOL!!
    thanks for stopping by....and I like your tinking!!

    btw did you know you ahve three blogs published, the same one twice, dont mtake offence, my mum had hers published 3 times till l deleted them for her!! LOL
    you are busy with two blogs though arent you!!

    after my own heart..

  2. Hmmmmmmmmmm I guess I am not a morning person. Would rather work late and get up later. Some how these days i go to bed late and get up early! LOL!

    Thanks for this post for ABC Wednesday.
    Very much appreciated.

  3. A fairy house! Was there a fairy ring nearby?

  4. Wow, original post for our F-day. I'm not a morning person, either, and it takes me forever to get going! :D

  5. Ladies, Maybe I'm strange but I like morning.
    But I need my coffee then too.

    Kim, sorry didn't see any sign or fairies around the area.

  6. Fairy houses!! I love it...when my mom and I travel somewhere we always look for lone trees out in the open and we call them Fairy Fortresses depending on how big they are. it is Fabulous!! Thank you!!!


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I mowed some of the yard. It was quite breezy today. Then there were those indoor chores. I found a game called Farm Merge Valley, sort of l...