Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Head or Tails (Train)

I grew up in a railroad family. For three generation on my dad side worked the trains.
My great granddad Duane, then his son Clarence, and my dad Harold (Pete) Both my Grand Dad and Dad collect pensions from the railroads.
As I don’t know much about Great Grand Dad and Gramps (That what I called my dad-dads) But I know how my dad got started working for the roads.
My dad was going to school in Michigan and finished the 8th grade and I would guess it was the year of about 1919 and just started his freshman year in high school. I’m clueless why what promoted him to do such a stunt that he drop out of high school and went and got a job on the railroad. But of course his parents didn't know that he drop out of school til they saw him working on trains.
They gave him a choice if you’re going to live at home your going to have to go to school or live somewhere else.
So he picked the life of the trains.
I’m not such how many trains or railroad company he worked for.
I know he worked for over 50 years with trains and worked in most of the lower 48 states and a few of the Canadian providences.
But when he met my mom he was working on the Spokane International Railroad and then the Union Pacific bought the S.I out or they merged.
But I recall him bringing home fright off the trains and I recall once him bring Pussy Willows home.
When I was young he took me on the tour of the railroad yard in Spokane and I got to get a personal tour on how train system was ran. I even got to set up in the engineer ( In train talk the engineer is called the hog head) and blow the train whistle.
So my dad and my mom were very hard workers. To this day I don’t know how my mom did it she took care of the family.
Trains run 24/7 365 days a year. So I recall my mom getting my dad ready for work at all hours day and night. Took care of his dad and me. Plus ran a berry farm.
Yes my dad was a member of the union as a teamster.
After 50 year and some great stories of life on the trains he retired from the union pacific

For more heads or tails head over to Skittles and read other posts on “trains” To read all the heads or tail Click here


  1. You Dad was an adventurer. Life on the trains was a dream of boys in that era. Glad he enjoyed it. Thanks so much for sharing.


  2. I bet you've heard some fantastic stories!

  3. My dad just retired from Union Pacific. He spent his whole career working on railroads as well. I bet we could swap some stories! Great post! (Mama Pajama http://www.thrivingat30.typepad.com)

  4. Great story.
    Happy Tuesday!

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    that must have been a wonderful childhood!! Great story. Enjoy your Tuesday.

  6. Yes, you find that when people love trains, they usually make a life of it! Great post, thanks for stopping by to comment on my blog. By the way, you mentioned in your profile that you changed the names but not the dates and times of your life. I do that sometimes too, but my question is, did you change the name of your pets too? LOL just joking :-) Have a great day!

  7. That's a great story - it's an interesting family history. It's funny how the railroads are just in some people's blood. I guess it's a similar thing for seafaring families.

    Thanks for visiting me. Please feel free to link to my story. The same story also appears on my paranormal blog, Strange Days. If your readers enjoy paranormal stories, it may be better to link to it there: http://sianikatt.blogspot.com/2007/10/ghost-trains-of-great-britain.html. Many thanks for visiting me - happy Tuesday!

  8. It was fun to read a little of your family history.

  9. What great family history! Love that story of your Dad. Hugs!

  10. My dad works for the rail too. He is a welder.

  11. Working for the railroad is something that gets in your heart and soul.. and a lot make it their life's work. I would love to ride one someday.

  12. I am from a railroad family, too. I got your great Halloween swap package! Just wanted you to know, I'll be posting a picture soon! I loved everying, especially that darling scarecrow.

  13. That's a rich family history you have there. Keep writing!

  14. What a wonderful story, Peppy.

    Back in the "old days" staying in school wasn't required by law, so kids could drop out in the 4th grade if they wanted to. That you could get a good job-- for instance, on the railroads-- without much education did not entice people to stay in school, especially young men.

    I love hearing railroad stories. One of my favorites this: my great uncle Roy met his wife because he hopped the trains (he was from Illinois) during the Depression. Aunt Ruth lived right by the tracks because her father was a conductor (who also met his wife because she got on at one of his stops everyday). Uncle Roy stayed on their farm and wouldn't leave until Aunt Ruth agreed to marry him. They were married for, like, 50 years or so.


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