Thursday, August 09, 2007

Something From East of the Mississippi River

The other day I got a parcel in the mail and I wasn’t real excepting anything because I haven’t bought any thing or did any type of swap via the blog world.
I couldn’t figure out what it could possible be and I notice the package was from Hill New Hampshire and I knew then it was from Nio and I couldn’t wait to tear into it and see what she sent me.
This summer her and husband wolf went to Maine and to the Atlantic ocean and make the comment I never seen the Atlantic Ocean Honest time…As Far as East I been is Michigan She sent me two bottles one filled with sand and the other with water. I got to tell you about this true tale.
First I thought she sent me some beer and I then notice it was corked a melt wax over it. I had it sitting on out dinning room table my son sawyer came home from work and he was going to uncork it and take swig of what he thought was beer and then notice it was corked and sealed with melt wax.
But years ago he got into our fridge and I think there was one beer left and dump out the beer and replace the contented with salt water and we where heading some where and as he where going down the pleasant valley loop hill I took a drink of the so called beer and spit it out all over the front window and all start to laugh including Murphy and Bart. Oh how I wish Sawyer took a drink of Atlantic Ocean.
I receive some rocks, shell, lobster claws and feather. I notice the shell is different looking then what is on the Pacific Ocean plus we don’t have lobster here.
The bottle I’ll put on my shelf in dinning room with my cracker tins and my candle makers. The rest will go in my kitchen windows.
Nio had a blogger junkie test and I was wondering how bad I had blogging


This morning I was looking at yesterday comments and Tammy of Gentle Retreat as me an award for “Nice Matters”

I like to forward this Nice Award to 8 people and now please forward this award to 8 other nice blogger who may not have receive this award.
Miss R
Turtle Heart
Autumn Meadow
Autumn Zephyer


  1. I'm glad you liked your gift box! I figured you hadn't seen the Atlantic so I thought I'd send you some.

    The dark shells are both from mussels, which are wicked yummy to eat. The small white one is from a clam, also yummy. The feather is a seagull feather. The claws are from a crab. And, of course, a snail shell.

    And thank YOU for the nice award. I'm all squishy now.

    Oh, and I would've laughed my ass off if your son had taken a swig of Atlantic Ocean. I guess it's good for him that he didn't, or he'd be the laughing stock of your blog.

  2. What a terrific parcel to receive, with a little bit of the Atlantic in it:-) Such a good idea to put sand and water in bottles!! Omigosh, I almost wish Sawyer had drank from that bottle...then it would have been a good payback for what he had done to you!! hehe xox

  3. Thank you! You know what's funny? When I first saw your post today, I assumed it was the wine that was for me! Ha!

  4. what a wonderful treat from your truly thoughtful....congrats on your award...yes and ditto on the comment about if son had taken a swig of the to funny....cheers

  5. Thank you so much for the award. It was sweet of you to give it to me

  6. Thank you so much! I am honored!

  7. Thank you so much for the award! Sorry it took me a while to respond, I've been away at a pagan festival for 6 days.

    Love the package Nio sent you. What fun!

  8. Hi Peppy!
    I finally finished the award. Thank you so much, again.

  9. Thank you so much, Peppy. I am so touched! I am going to pass it on tomorrow!


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Today Is Tuesday, February 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. They had an potato bar. It was very good. Finley took in bag of clothes to the thrift sto...