Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Today Is Tuesday, February 25, 2025: This Is What Happened.

At time I feel our devices have there own personality. For some strange reason my laptop start to act normal. Suddenly all of my photos came back. At this time I'm putting them all on thumb drives. Who knows when my laptop will decided to hide them. 

We sure live in an crazy world. Not sure how many heard about the going down in Kootenai County Idaho. Which isn't far from me. Less then an 2 hour drive. I will share two videos on dragging a people out of town hall meeting, who dissent or have different point a view. Bunch of NAZI. VIDEO ONE and VIDEO TWO. Then also this Sheriff was pulling books out different library in Kootenai County here is an VIDEO. And also an ARTICLE.

Went and had my yearly annual. All looks good. Need to do my yearly mammogram. Had swiss steak at the senior center. Should be on more. Not sure when I will be posting photos.

Coffee is on. 


  1. I'm glad your laptop is being nice again. Swiss Steak is good, I like it!

  2. ...when my computer is happy, I'm happy. Have you mammogram, our DIL had one and it detected a lump early!!!

  3. I heard about what happened and it scares me

  4. Glad to hear you have access to your pics again. Weird how it works and then it doesn't.

  5. That sounds scary, Those events I mean. Glad your computer is being nice to you right now.

  6. Thanks for the links, with the ones with the woman being dragged out very disturbing.
    Since when do sheriffs go to libraries to remove books. How absurd.
    Anyway, it's good that your computer is back working.

  7. Yearly mammograms are essential, as long as they are paid for the National Health Service and all records are centralised and protected.

  8. Mammograms here are done every two years unless the see something suspicious.
    Why was the woman dragged from the meeting? Were the ones dragging her the Nazi types? Or was she one of the Nazi types? I guess freedom of speech is no longer allowed there?

    1. The Nazi type is one who doing the dragging.

  9. Many Americans seem to have lost what little there was of their minds.

  10. Good grief! One isn’t allowed a voice at a meeting! Terrible.

  11. Welcome back. The nutters are feeling empowered by HWSNBN.

  12. Yes these videos are viral. I'm actually glad I don't live in ID any more.

  13. Great on the laptop

  14. Technology is frustrating at times. You never know what will happen next with it.

  15. That's good you have access to your pictures once again.

    All the best Jan

  16. Oh very interesting

  17. It's necessary to keep your important documents in some safe place like the cloud drives or pen drives.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...