Monday, February 10, 2025

Today Is Monday, February 10, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Still cold! My crud is pretty much over. For some odd reason I will have a minor coughing bout, at night. I feel some what ambitious. ( Sketch for the play - 1933 - Style Art Deco - Genre  design, sketch and study)

I'm wrapping up my dinner with some plain popcorn. (Joy Street - 1932 - Constructive - sketch and study, design)  

Paid bills. I went over to CPT. To see what percentage is paid out to bills. Our electric bill is 5.73% of our income. Now let check out my husband medical bill. It comes to 2.2% , Our water bill is 4.53%. Kind of interesting. We will be going over to the hospital to pay off Murphy bill. That was 5.33%. The other day Murphy got one of his medication. Well the answer is 0.27% I'm curious what we spend on food. (Hurriel Acosta - 1929 - Style Art Deco - Genre design, sketch and study)

Tomorrow, we have some errand in town. Plus lunch at the senior center. (Whites - 1930 - style 

Art Nouveau (Modern) - Genre design, art and study) 


Today art movement is ART DECO. And I will be sharing some of the works of PETRE OTSKHELI Wiki-Art didn't have location of his work, that I posted. 

Coffee is on.


  1. I always look forward to your art of the day, Peppy! Thank you!

  2. Interesting how how you various bills are calculated. A percentage seems pretty fair.

  3. I am a fan of Art Deco.

  4. Do you get that cough just as you're falling to sleep? That was the one that always annoyed me the most. Justs as I was just about to drop off, and then wide awake and a hacking cough. Sigh.

  5. I’m sorry you were under the weather. Very glad your getting better

  6. Hi, Dora. You made me curious. Our utilities gas, electric, water, phone and internet are 14% of our income. Fixed payments including utilities are 53%. I need to average our meds over a year as that will add another few hundred. and dog expenses another couple hundred for food and vet. We dont have a car and depend on public transit or friends to get around.

  7. That is pretty art today. Hey, everything we spend seems to be 100% to high these days.

  8. Australian electric bills are a much higher percentage. Too many people can't afford them so pay what they can every week and when the next bill comes they just keep paying seemingly forever.

  9. As long as the income is equal or greater than the outgo most months.

  10. I hope the cough goes away and you are 100% soon.

  11. Hope that cough clears away soon.

    All the best Jan

  12. I really like Art Deco. I hope you feel completely healthy again soon. You've done an interesting calculation of your expenses.
    All the best, Traude

  13. I hate the cough that hangs on and on. I hope you are done with it by now. There's been so much sickness going around where I live, too. Alana

  14. Wish I could appreciate art deco, but it just doesn't do it for me the way other styles do. That cough you have a night is common, I'm afraid it sticks with you for awhile. But, glad to hear you're basically over the crud, cause it's sure going round.
    Sandy's Space


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...