Sunday, January 05, 2025

Today Is Sunday, January 5, 2025: This Is What Happened.

(Donkey and Cart – 1881 – Place Unknown)

I'm clueless why for the last few years. At the start of the New Year. The camera and computer don't want to get along. Simple, they don't want to connect. But now they are. Strangely, I have wanted to do a daily photo for several years—365 of them. But like I said, my camera and computer don't want to get long. Well, they're 361 days. So I decided to google "people who take photos every day of the year." I took the THIRD ONE. The other one, a head, was from A—I and Reddit. I bet INSTAGRAM would be a good place to look for daily photos.

(Boy Cutting Grass-1881-Located KROLLERMULLER)

I've been creative today. I'm working on a page in my art journal. The page was started yesterday

Saturday the 4th, at Art Intuition. I wrote a letter saying goodbye to 2024.)

(Young Peasant Girl in Straw Hat Sitting in a Wheat Field -1889 – Private Collection)

We washed the bathroom and kitchen sink and laundered Murphy's shirts. We said he needed to go through them. He sure isn't lacking in shirts. Then, we did general upkeep on the house.

We haven't washed the walls since Murphy woke up with leg cramps. More or less, that was on the agenda. Well, who knows about tomorrow? For me, it is my moonth. My version of the Sabbath.

Did a little time on the treadmill. The ground is mucky.

(Orleanders – 1888 – Location - MET MUSUEMS)

Today's art movement is POST IMPRESSIONISM, and I will choose a well-known artist, VINCENT VAN GOGH. As most of you know, Vincent had a mental health issue. We have learned and still learn about mental health. and are still learning about it. But we don't treat mental illness right. Maybe slightly worse than Vincent's time. I used the word slightly.

Coffee is on.


  1. Van Gogh is one of my favorites

  2. I like the first pony and cart picture and the fish drawings.

  3. I like the first three arts of work. Very nice.

  4. I like the art in this post.

  5. ...cameras and computers can work just great and then they can't!

  6. It sounds like you've had a productive and creative day, despite the technical hiccups with your camera and computer. Your art journal and reflections on Vincent van Gogh are inspiring!
    I like the way you presented, keep going
    when free you can do check my 'New Year' special blog

  7. I really like your fish pictures. :) - Vincent Van Gogh is definitely in my top 3 artists list. I working with water colors right now. And yes, Instagram is great for photos-a-day.

  8. I really like this art. You are keeping yourself busy, good for you!

  9. I love all of the art you showed today.

  10. Well, did you take photos for the first couple days of the year? I mean, there's no rule that says you have to post them on the day you took them. Or, you could start from today and end on Jan 6, 2026. Just a thought.

  11. I did enjoy the art you shared today.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank You. I been enjoying sharing my art.

  12. Wall scrubbing sure is not overly fun! Very pretty art!

  13. Hope the computer - camera issue is resolved.

  14. A daily photo blog can be fun, I have a selfie blog, now in its second year.


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Today Is Sunday, January 5, 2025: This Is What Happened.

(Donkey and Cart – 1881 – Place Unknown) I'm clueless why for the last few years. At the start of the New Year. The camera and compu...