Sunday, January 12, 2025

Today Is Sunday, January 12, 2025: This Is What Happened.

This is just a paragraph post. Yesterday, Murphy and I went to a memorial service for Murphy's Aunt Eunice, who died on Christmas. She was 90. We drove to Coeur d'Alene. Bart came over.

I went to town. I bought one and a half dozen eggs, almost $7.00. I washed another section of the wall. Under a corner table, there were some boxes, mainly of papers. They were divided into four categories: papers that needed to be destroyed, things that we both needed to go through, things that went to the trash, and a few items to the thrift store.

Today's art movement is ART NOUVEAU. I'm only featuring one work of FERDINAND HODLER.

(What The Flower Say – 1893 – Located, KUNST BASEL MUSEUM )

Coffee is on.


  1. I'm very sorry to hear about Murphy's aunt.

  2. Funerals and memorials are sad. Almost $7 for a dozen and a half eggs? I pay $8.90 for one dozen and different brands are even higher, as much as $11 if you get the biggest size eggs 800grams. I get the 700 grams size carton.

  3. I got sticker shock when I bought eggs last week. Yikes. Hopefully this won't last too long, but who knows with the bird flu thing going around?

  4. Sorry about the aunt. Last week I couldn’t even find jumbo eggs, had to settle for large.


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Today Is Sunday, January 12, 2025: This Is What Happened.

This is just a paragraph post. Yesterday, Murphy and I went to a memorial service for Murphy's Aunt Eunice, who died on Christmas. Sh...