Sunday, August 25, 2024

Today Is Sunday, August 25, 2024: This Is What Happened.


I've got my upcoming weekly list done. I'm not sure what will get done, but if half gets done, it will be fantastic.

But now, I will do Penguin, YOU ARE WE. Hopefully, others will join.

1 What household pet most describes you?  The only two pets I've owned are a cat and a dog, even at the same time. I would say a dog. They are great buddies. Plus, most of them love to go bye-bye.

2: What barnyard animal most describes you? Goat, playful and curious.

3: What drink most describes you?  Hot coffee. straight up black.

4: What kind of a tree could we plant to represent you? I would say Rowen. The other name is Mountain Ash. Then I would toss in Hawthorn.

5: What insect represents your life?  A ladybug or a bee. We all need them. I like to think I'm needed.

I'm adding a few links of earth-based meaning from some of your answers. ANIMALS SPIRIT: The animal's spirits handle insects as well. Plus, one can look up TREE SYMBOLS. The last link to use is AUNT FLO DREAMS.

For my wiki art, I'm using the word "Wendy," and when I post about Wendy, it's usually about my third granddaughter. There were only two choices under the name "Wendy." This Wendy is done by Brett Whitney, and here is more of his work.

Murphy and I replaced the seal around the door of our living room. We still need to do the door around the kitchen. It needs to be done before the cold weather hits.

Our leaves are just starting to turn. I want to finish the page I have been working on in my art journal. I need some snowflake ink stamps.

I will check the thrift store during the week.

Tomorrow, Monday the 26th, will be a light day, like the Sabbath.  

Coffee is on.


  1. Your leaves are starting to turn? Noooo….its too early.

  2. WOW, your leaves are turning already? I hope you get lots on your list done.

  3. ...sealing up for winter is important!

  4. I’d only ever have a dog! Such great pets though a lot of work.

  5. I have a Wendy in class. She said that she's never met another Wendy. I hope one day that changes for her.

  6. In all my life I only ever knew three Wendy's. My kitchen is too small to deep clean just one area, I do the whole thing instead.

  7. The questions are not easy to answer. Even though I love and like various animals, it is not certain whether they represent me. Cats are as freedom-loving and pleasure-loving as I am. Pigs are clever and absolutely underestimated farm animals. But I would rather be a sheep ;-) As far as drinks go, a "Radler" suits me - a mix of beer and lemonade - a little bitter, a little sweet and always sparkling ;-DD When I think of trees, I immediately think of copper beech, perhaps because of my hair color. Butterflies are much more flighty than I am, but there are some that travel long distances - and I like to travel too ;-)
    I hope you manage to complete some of your list :-D
    All the best from Austria, Traude


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Today Is Monday, March 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

It been a little while since I've posted anything. Doing fine. Not all that much going on. I'm sure all of you know what going on w...