Friday, October 13, 2023

Today Is Friday, October 13, 2023: This Is What Happened.

 Sure is different. Posting from my phone. Since we been not well. We haven't been out, plus the appointments had to be changed. Can't get into the library to have lap top looked at. I think the appointment is around the 25th of this month. I have it written down.

One thing I did this week is to make up some Artist Trading Cards. Tea Scarlett at her gallery is having an A.T.C a community swap of artist cards.  I will take three in Monday I believe. Will have an mask on. 

Haven't been to store for a while. Hubby and I put on our N95 mask. As far as I can see we were the only one with mask on.

Spend $76 at store. Not going to list everything. But three things and price.

Pound of cottage cheese is on sale for $1.88. I like large curd.

Winter squash is at twenty eight cent a pound.

Abner the 🐱. Treat is $3.03 a bag. 

I got my last roll done for the current quilt finished. 

Most of my photos from my San Francisco trip is Lumix 📷. Just don't want to chance and turn on my laptop. 

Also paid our water bill, $64.90. And the electric bill, $76.50

Like I said it strange to post from my ☎.

Coffee is on. 


  1. ...twenty eight cent a pound is a fabulous price. I can barely answer my phone, much less post on it!!!

  2. Yes, posting from the phone is very different than using the laptop

  3. Your quilt is looking good Dora. I like those bright fabrics. Have a great weekend. Will you be home all weekend?

  4. Hope you are doing okay. Thought I'd check in. It's been sad around here since our Brian kitty died.

  5. I'm not a big squash eater unless its soup. They practically give away squash by now around here, especially acorn and butternut.

  6. I hope you're starting to feel better. Yeah, the phone is so small. It'll be nice to get your laptop fixed when you are able.

  7. Our prices are set by kilo, which is 2.2 pounds. Your quilt is looking very nice.

  8. Good to hear from you, take care,

  9. Lovely ATCs Dora. You are doing very well publishing from your laptop, really good! Hug, Valerie

  10. Great price for squash. Love it roasted or in soup.

  11. Your squash is inexpensive compared to what it sells for here in New York State. I agree you shouldn't be turning your laptop on. It's too bad I can't comment from my phone or tablet, for some reason. Alana

  12. You do well posting your blog from your phone. I have never mastered that. Sorry you are not well

  13. Well done posting from your phone.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...