Sunday, May 21, 2023

Today Is Sunday, May 21, 2023: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday was our monthly read-in at the library park. Yes, they have a local book banner. They say they aren't book banners. But they're trying to remove books from shelves. I call that book banning.

So here are the books that were read yesterday

  1. The Invisible Life of Addie Larue, by V.E Schwab.
  2. Mrs, Dole Is Out of Control, by Don Gotman.
  3. Diary Of a Wimpy Kid, by Jeff Kinney.
  4. What They Fought For 1861-1865, by James McPherson.
  5. Can't Hurt Me, by David Goggins
  6. The Christopher Killer, by Alane Ferguson.
  7. Klara and the Sun, by Kazuo Ishiguro.
  8. The Little Library, by Poppy Alexander.
  9. The Quest For Cosmic Justice, by Thomas Sowell.
  10. Zen The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert Pirsig.
  11. Caste "The Origins of Our Discontents, By Isabel Wilkerson.
  12. A Handful Of Quite, by Thich Nhat Hank.
  13. Superhero Therapy, by Janina Scarlet.
  14. Travel With Charley in the Search of America, by John Steinbeck.

Then we had one more person, who usually reads with us. She is on vacation in Maine, and books he is reading. Me and Girl Name Earl, and the Dying Girl, by Jesse Earl.

I've been weed-whacking around the place. My flower beds got out of control with grasses and such. The one I called my "Royal Sunshine" flower bed. I have been thinking of taking it out. Putting a tree there. 

And replanted the "Royal Sunshine" flower bed. But the question is where to put it. The deer are just hard on plant life year. It all most not worth having flowers. 

I remember the last time I posted about my personal D.N.A. The first one is STOMACH VALUE AFTER MEAL. If I overeat, I somewhat have heartburn. So we eat around five in the evening. And I need a small snack around six-thirty. It can be simple as one saltine cracker. If not, I don't sleep as well. So it could be to say. "Compared to some, my fullness has its own clock."

I only meant a few that didn't have the POST CANNABIS MUNCHIES. It has been years, and I mean years since I did cannabis. And usually, I got chips with them.

TEA CONSUMPTION. I enjoy most teas. I don't have it more often. I like them, primarily red ones. The truth is I need to be in the habit of making teas.

Looks like a pretty quiet week at work. Need to set up two medical appointments. One for my colonoscopy, that time of year. The other one is to check the nodule on my thyroid. If there are no chances or growth. I will be totally done with that doctor. Plus, get hold of I.P.I.C (Idaho Partner In Care) and see how long Regis's new care person will take to be ready to go. It was his old one, and he moved to the southern part of the United States. He passed the background check before. I don't know if he has to start from point zero. Which is filling out a bunch of paperwork and fingerprints. I'm hoping I.P.I.C. (Idaho Partner In Care) can give me a period when Regis's new caregiver will start. So I can talk to social security about moving ahead on retirement.

The band I'm featuring is from OREGON. The band from Oregon is called PINK MARTINI, and the song SWAY, with LYRICS.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. ...they aren't banning books, they are banning ideas!

  2. Yes, loudly call them book banners. When they say they aren't, point out that they totally are.

  3. I never heard of Pink Martini but that's a cute name. Happy reading!

  4. Travels with Charley, I read that book twice. I know exactly why tge6 want to ban it. They’re despicable

    1. The only thing I read of Steinbeck is Mice and men.
      Coffee is on and stay safe.

  5. I will never understand this business with banning books. Archaic!

    1. Me neither. I wouldn't tell anyone or community what books they should have or not.

  6. I have never heard of any of those books. I don't go to libraries much anymore, I have to catch buses to get to them and can't be bothered. I have a lot of books on my kindle instead.
    I should drink more tea too, I have herbal teas in the cupboard.

  7. I would like to ban the people who want to ban books! Valerie

  8. I have read a couple of those, and other than long - and pointless - why would anyone want to remove them??? If I didn't like it, I stopped reading it.

  9. Guns for everyone but books are bad. I just don’t understand this attitude at all.
    I hope the deer don’t eat all your flowers again this year

  10. Never did cannabis


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...