Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Today is Wednesday, March 15, 2023; this Is What Happen


I think I have recovered from jet lag. No, I'm talking about the time change. Five days until Spring, and I will give another countdown then. When I will start taking off Friday. Along with Wednesday.

Yesterday I stopped and picked up another book. At our local library. Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison. Just barely in it. So far, I really like it.

I was looking this morning. Googling! Freud and his issue or hang-up over sex. Maybe that's what many people think when the name Freud is mentioned. We think of his writing on sex. But maybe his entire thing really wasn't about sex. Just read a little about Freud and his father possibly abusing his family. Jacob Freud.

Murphy and I went and voted for our local School levy. Ours passed, and we voted for the levy. It did pass. But quite a few levies in our state failed.

Going into town after Gunsmoke. I am stopping for a moment to let Regis know I will start taking Fridays off. As Wednesday. Going to take our tax stuff to our accountant. This will be our last year to use him. Our income will be down once we retire. We also need to stop at the hardware and grocery store.

Today's art is from YEMEN.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. ...I use to enjoy flying, but not theses days!

  2. I'm sure you're looking forward to getting your Fridays off.

  3. Part time winddown to full retirement is a good idea. Gives you a chance to adjust and find what will work for you in retirement. I enjoyed today's art. Alana

  4. I'm glad you're enjoying your book and I know you'll enjoy having every Friday off too.

  5. Yay for Friday off too.

  6. Spring is almost here!

  7. I have never read anything about Freud and I don't want to. You are getting Spring and we are getting Autumn, our nights are cooler now but days are still sunny and warm.

  8. I like today’s art.

  9. Daylight savings is easier to adjust to when you are retired. No reason to get up until you want to. I recommend it.

  10. I hope you had a less weird week, I loathe the time changes.

  11. I haven't been on a plane in 25 years. Don't plan on ever flying again.

  12. My husband watches Gunsmoke too. You should check with accountant as I have heard if your income falls below a certain amount you no longer have to fill file Federal Tax return.

  13. My brother and his wife love Gunsmoke. We watched the series when we were young but even now, I like it. My brother calls it the most progressive western series of that time, which it may have been. What a great cast of characters too from Fetus to Miss Kitty.

    1. I didn't mean to say Fetus, its Festus.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...