Friday, January 20, 2023

Today Is Friday January 20 2023, This Is What Happen.


I wanted to take a break from social media yesterday. Which includes blogging.

Thursday, I went for a walk in town. I start at Safeway and walk about in the area. The reason I start there is because, in that area, it is dry. No fun getting one's feet wet. As I was walking, I decided to take a photo looking west from each of our stores on the south side. Which would be Super One and Grocery Outlet.

Look like I have a low AFFECT of positive. I don't get this. My ANGER is in the middle range. I will admit I do get pissed off. I haven't never ends up in a legal mess because of anger. Supposedly our household INCOME is higher than my peers. I don't know what all my peer income is. But our income is low.

 I plan to apply for social security sometime after July. 

 The average American gets about $1,827. Right now hubby is getting $800 a month, and I should get the same. The average couple's income from social security is around $2,800. So we won't even be close to having the average social security.

Regis is coming along with his place, and Liz seems to be much better.

In April, I will be adding an extra day off, Friday. I brought up to Murphy about having a once-month yard sale. Some places call them tag deals. We should be able to hold six-yard sales.

I decided not to organize or host anything on Fridays. I want to spend time with hubby and on the home front.

Finely over on ancestry, I got all of my great grandparents Elisha and Cynthia's children put down. Together they had nine children. Two died before they were six years old. Both of my Great Grandparents were married before. Elisha was a widow, and his first wife, Marinda, had six children. Look like only two or three made it into adulthood. My great-grandma was married and divorced. She and her first husband had one child. Look like they had sixteen children.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Good luck with your Ancestry work, and with Social Security too.

  2. I get about $900 a month SS. It is hard to make it even before all these utilities have gone up. I'm lucky to live in my brother's house.

  3. A little snow lying around.

    $1837 per month sounds liveable if you own your own home but that depends on other benefits you may receive.

    The children of your great grandparents would be some kind of great uncle or auntie to you perhaps.

  4. ...and the GOP would like to cut SS.

  5. Don't forget, they take taxes and medicare premiums out of your Social Security payment too, but you've probably already included that in your number.

  6. I started to fill out some Ancestry info and found a picture of my grandmother and her parents and their other 6 kids when she was a little girl. I had never seen this picture so it was quite exciting.

  7. Looks like it was a fairly nice walk.

  8. We need more long walks, time to think, and plan

  9. I so want to get into ancestry but my family comes from Greece and as I don’t read and write Greek I’m thinking it will be too hard.
    Maybe I’ll wait a few years. When I’m not so busy with grandchildren and start then

  10. I think it's great to have a break from social media. I need to do it more regularly.

  11. Social Security depends on how much you have made & when you start to draw. The difference between 62 (earliest) or 70 (latest) can be quite a difference. I got my letter from them & full benefit age is 67. I don't want to work that long but we will have to see.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...