Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Encourage to keep in touch with elected official.

 Here is a copy of letter to the editor I wrote. As I promise.

Coffee is on and stay safe

I'm hoping I'm wrong, but some elected people only represent one side of the coin. And possibly don't want to consider it—those who might have a different side of the coin.
I do not believe that none of us is a bonafide type cast.
Depending on what the issue is, we fall all over the political spectrum.

Now the election is well over, and those we voted for or might not. Those we elected are meeting at our local level, the state capital, and or the federal capital. They need and should hear from us. So I'm asking all politely to get hold of your elected officials, regardless of whether you voted for them.
Let them know what is going on in our lives, dreams, hopes, concerns, and ideals. It doesn't matter whether our political, faith, and or ideology lines up with those we send off to represent us.
It is also essential to keep in touch with our elected officials though out the year.
We can communicate with our elected officials by e-mail, letter, and phone. I'm sure their other means as well.

But we won't have a primary and or general election until 2024. When a candidate is elected, they represent many and various constituents. So I encourage one to keep themselves informed on what is going on—by using more than one source.
Yes, I'm planning to e-mail my elective officials.
As constituents, it doesn't end on election day.


  1. Bravo. So many of these officials get nothing but form letters various special interest groups sent out to supporters to sign and send in. They are easy to detect, with canned opinions. A relative used to work in for a newspaper and covered local elections, and had enough of these letters directed to her employer. What officials will read is heartfelt letters that sound like they were written by the person sending the letter. I know your emails will ring true and I hope they have an impact. Good luck. Alana

  2. So many of these politicians have no idea what the average person goes through. They are completely out of touch.

  3. An excellent letter. I hope they take notice.

  4. Very nice letter. People need to speak up.

  5. And Dora, your final line of this post says it all. It does not end on Election Day.

  6. ...I should, but I don't.

  7. Tell them what you value, how else will they know

  8. Good for you! Valerie

  9. They may have power. But they are supposed to be working for us
    And they can’t do that if they don’t know what issues we want them to deal with.
    If we do this. Then they have no excuses for not doing their jobs
    Well done


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