Friday, December 23, 2022

Today Is Friday December 23 2022, This Is What Happen


Murphy and I are staying home for Christmas, the roads are way too slick. Being this cold the deicer doesn't work. It melts and refreezes pretty much instantaneously. I don't think drove over 45 miles per hour. Looks like there is a break from winter weather between Monday and Wednesday, we're thinking about going down to Spokane.

Finally got all Christmas Shopping done. The town of Bonners Ferry was quite busy.

For dinner we had beef stew.

Today art is from the country of PAPUA NEW GUINEA


  1. Toronto weather is awful right now we are in the middle of a storm

  2. Yum, beef stew. I had scrambled eggs with cheese. It's too hot here for stew. Very nice art today.

  3. Stay home if the weather is so bad! Merry Christsmas, hugs, Valerie

  4. I hope you will get to Spokane in better conditions. Blessings to you two this Christmas!

  5. Yeah, it looks treacherous 'round your way. Stay home and stay safe.

  6. I do hope you will get to Spokane if the weather improves.
    I do like the art you've shared today.

    Merry Christmas Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. I love today's art! Happy Holidays to you and hoping your weather moderates soon. Our part of New York didn't get it as bad as some. Alana

  8. Happy Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas from all of us!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...