Sunday, October 16, 2022

Today Is Sunday October 16 2022, This Is What Happen.


Didn't get chance read all my regular bloggers. I was tired, and slept like log. So I thought I would get this post out earlier.

And watching Twilight Zone. I think every one got there favorite ones. A lot actor and actress got there start. I understand BURGRESS MEREDITH and JACK KLUGMAN played in quite few twilight zone. Would actual would like to watch all of them from first to last one. And watch all of what Burgress Meredith did.

As I was listening to pod-cast, QUIRKS AND QUARKS I start to press all my seam going one way. My guess I'm about half way though pressing them. Still trying to figure what I want to with the block I

start second one of Alice In Wonderland. But I'm not sure if I want to start over or continue on with it.

Got hold of Liz and ask her what time she was going to land in Spokane. She didn't recall and I said text me the time that I need to pick you up. So I can write it on the calendar. Tried get hold Sawyer and give him the date and time we will be landing in Medford.

Last time I was in the dollar store I was looking for just plain calendar. I didn't see any there. Seen them at Safeway. If memory is correct they were around $12.00

Today art comes from country of MAURITANIA

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Lovely colours in today's art. I slept like a log too.

  2. I haven't watched the Twilight Zone in a while, so many of the episodes are so good!

  3. Do they still do Twilight Zone marathons on holidays? I think I saw it on SyFy or something. Although, watching them all in order and not in one sitting would work better streaming. I know it's on one of my streaming channels (but I can't recall which one at the moment).

  4. I love that art. Sleeping is good. You need to rest and recharge

  5. Nice art. Get lots of rest.

  6. I always liked Twilight Zone

  7. If you're tired, you need to rest! have a great week, Valerie

  8. Love that last photo! The eye draws you in…

  9. I haven't watched Twilight Zone, but it is popular.

    All the best Jan

    PS Hope my comment comes through ok, I have been experiencing problems.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...