Saturday, October 08, 2022

Today Is Friday October 8 2022, This Is What Happen.


I start a post and now it some where in computer land. It was on well being. When I speak of well being. I'm talking about just not physical well being. I consider well being, along with mental and emotional. And I have separate category for spiritual well being.

I been trying to drop some weight for some time. Being consistence hasn't be easy. I have very little food digestion issues. If I eat a large issue of diary I don't digest well. Genetic I shouldn't be all this heavy. I understand that my great grandmother Cynthia was on heavy side. Both of my parents and all my grandparents wasn't heavy. Neither one of my parents lead a sedentary life style. They work physical hard and my mom exercise along with JACK ALANNE. Now how much do I actual sit. I sit and listen to my client. I feel this is important and respectful. When I'm expressing any sort of thought I would want someone to listen to me. I have to say I don't just set and stare into space. When I'm sitting I'm doing something. At time I eat as emotional eater as well as my other meals. I do much better when I'm at home.

Every so often I still go on coughing fit. Most if I drink water. I figure it loosing the phlegm. I still like to get my flu shot and covid booster before I go down to Oregon.

Murphy barbecue some ribs. I wonder how long more we can be barbecue. Milk today was $3.68 a gallon, that is whole. The other day we had our gas furnace look over, and there was a little missing from pump. It cost us $105 and gas is at $4.49 to $4.59

Every October our town has a local quilt show, held at our local fairground. We have a lot of talent creative people. Quite a few people selling quilting supplies. Like fabrics. Which I don't need. I'm looking forward of being part local quilt group.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Milk at $3.68 a gallon is only 46 cents per pint. In our country milk is sold in litres, and one pint at 600ml, is about two thirds of a litre, so one litre at your prices would be approximately 90 cents. Yet for one litre of whole milk we pay $2.60.
    I think it is good you sit and listen to your clients, that is helpful and respectful.

  2. The giraffe quilt is amazing!!!! I love giraffes and elephants. My one cousin made some stunning quilts. And with her Mexican heritage they were so pretty and vibrant. My mother has a few of them.

    We were grilling was sunny but by 6:30, it was 54 degrees. Thank goodness for the heat of the grill. But we often have little bonfires in the fall in our firepit and burn up all the fallen twigs and branches.

  3. Hari OM
    I am my mother's mother all over again - no amount of 'living right' has prevented me looking like a football. Sure I could loose a few girth inches if I was prepared (at 63) to take up major sporting activity... but arthritis has ensured movement must be carefully judged. So, I fret not and embrace the round!

    As River says, by the prices of UK, too, your milk looks cheap - but it has to be relative to what one is accustomed and clearly all our prices and cost of living are on the rise and causing some angst... YAM xx

  4. Fortunately I have no weight problems, my aunt and grandma were like me but my mother was had to watch her weight, she was short and round.

  5. Love the giraffe piece. More people are signing up for food banks not a good sign.

  6. We still use our barbecue occasionally and wonder how much long we’ll be able to do the same, too.

  7. Lovely quilt!!
    Enjoy your trip.

  8. My dad's side of the family were all big and I have taken after them. lol It's hard to lose weight so I have stopped trying and just try to eat low carb to try and help my diabetes. I love the quilts.

  9. Those are lovely quilts.

  10. I cannot eat anything dairy now, I found out I'm allergic to the dairy protein. I'll bet the ribs were good and quilt shows always have some amazing art!

  11. The giraffe is so pretty! I started training, let´s see how this goes. Was lazy all summer and it made no difference. Not encouraging!

  12. As we get older we need to watch what & how much we eat. I think you have to keep moving. Walk, run, bike or whatever. The quilts are nice.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...