Friday, October 14, 2022

Today Is Friday October 14 2022, This Is What Happen


I was surprise that no one in area was having a yard sale. Regis and went to our three local thrift store. Found nothing. Or should I say top of my list.

Finely I got step one, two and three done with current quilt I'm working on. Step one is find, red, yellow, and some odd ball colors to toss in. Cut them in to strips 10 inches in length and 2.5 inches across. And third step was sew four of strips together. Now the next two steps is to press the seams all one direction and cut blocks the other direction.

Farmer are burning the fields and my asthma is acting up. So I pretty much stay in during the afternoon. But it lot less smoke in morning. Our air quality is just over unhealthy range.

Had my flu shot today, and if wasn't for having pneumonia I would of gotten my covid boaster. I will get in when I get back from Oregon. First part of November. My insurance is offering me a pneumonia vax. But at one time one my insurance offered me, the pneumonia vax. Well I change insurance before I finished out the serious and I want to ask someone who has medical advice on how I should precede with pneumonia vax. I have physical coming up in November.

The first three months of next year I will be taking off Wednesday. But the next three months afterwards. I will me taken off Monday. For a short time I couldn't decide if I want Friday or Monday off. I'm sure there will be time I will have to swap a day here and there.

Winter squash here runs from .99¢ to $1.50 a pound. Winco offer them for .48¢ a pound. I been want bake winter squash.

Today artist is EMLAIN KUBUA who is from MARSHALL ISLAND

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Good progress with the quilt!

  2. Squash reminds me I meant to buy pumpkin when I shopped this morning, but I forgot because it wasn't on my list.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I roasted some butternut squash for dinner tonight.

  6. At those prices I would buy extra and make relish or freeze it for winter use
    I’m hoping to grow lots this summer

  7. Husband and I are having winter squash with our dinner tonight. Your prices are a little cheaper than ours, I think. Sorry that your air quality is still not good. Alana

  8. I still have to get my flu shot and Covid booster. I don't want to get them at the same time, either.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...