Monday, June 20, 2022

Today Is Monday June 20 2022, This Is What Happen.


I'm figuring what to post. One of those not exciting days. Which at my age I don't mind. Went to work. My check is going to be on the low side. Since Liz is in Behavior Health.

I talk to her briefly on Sunday. There still trying to get her on the correct medication. One of the medication made her lower extremities swell up. She claims her toes look like little fat sausage. Liz legs even chicken has more mass than she does on legs. Basically her legs are like tooth picks. Plus she is still not sleeping right. The medication for sleep would put an elephant in la la land. She has a set of books that she want to donate to behavior health. There all well know title such as Frankenstein, Treasure Island, Huckleberry Finn, Dracula, Alice and Wonder land, Wizard of Oz, Gulliver Travels and such. Plenty of bibles laying around. Some of bible stories are pretty scary. So I hope to get them or lease some of them drop off before I go to Medford.

After Therapy last Friday. I usually feel wore out. But Saturday I'm not sure what happen but mentally I felt like being pulled though the mud. My mind was trying to adjust like it couldn't decide where my mind need to be. My mind couldn't decided where it need to be. It was just strange. Than Sunday my body was in horrible pain. Mainly upper and mid back. It was even on nauseating side. I'm leaning toward some psychosomatic. Today the body pain is start to lessen. When I see my therapist I will bring it up.

The extra bed room is coming a long nicely. After work and watch the D.W (German News) and did some ironing of some fabrics. First and second pieces. The red will be part quilt which I'm slowly working on.

During the regular news I did some embroidery. Light is great now. But one thing I need to get is over head light. Summer months I'm doing fine. But when the days get shorter. I will need something to see with.

Statement time...I found the ad for candidate ERIC GREITENS political ad quite ALARMING. I wonder if any of Idaho candidates, mostly here in North will have something leaning to this. I'm a RI.N.O voter (Republican In Name Only) Last I heard my county of Boundary had just under 10% register Democrats. This is Nazi and Fascist behavior and starting about 1933 other IDEALS other than Nazi was stump out.

Today artist is EDUARDO KINGMAN who is from ECUADOR


  1. Yeah, the neo fascists are everywhere. It’s terrifying

  2. The first picture reminds me of that Sunday School song, "He's got the whole world in his hands" the last picture, I love the colours, it's very vibrant.
    I hope your neck and back pain goes away, it could be just stress making your muscles tense.

  3. Anonymous2:37 AM

    DW? Deutscher Vella news? I am impressed. I haven't listened for a while, but it is good.

    I'm also impressed at your extensive clearing up and sorting out your things at home.

  4. Wow, yeah northern Idaho, bad for neo nazis. Oregon too has lots of hate group activity. People with problems like to hook up with causes that assign blame for their unhappy lives.

  5. I hope they get things figured out for Liz and I hope you are feeling better soon.

  6. I hope they're able to regulate Liz better.

  7. Idaho and eastern Oregon are long on neo-nazis. Please stay safe. I take it German is your first language when you watch their news casts? I wish I had more than one language. I speak a few words of Russian and German.


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Today Is Tuesday, May 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I just noticed that today would have been my Grandfather Clarence's Birthday. If he were alive, he would be old. Okay! He would have ...